Sunday the 10th September was an important day for Overton when the Venerable E. Bryan Williams, the Archdeacon of Wrexham performed the official “switching on”  of the recently installed floodlights at St Mary's Church.   This marked the culmination of some substantial work in the Church grounds, which included  the erection of protective railings around the most ancient yew tree, and a  diversion of the footpath leading past it.

The “switching-on” was preceded by a Service of Songs of Praise during which a much appreciated musical entertainment was given by the choir “Coral Variations” from Froncysllte.  Col. Fitzhugh led the congregation in an appropriate prayer just before the Archdeacon pressed the switch to illuminate the floodlights.

The imminent departure of Anna Roberts, the Church organist, who leaves shortly to take up her studies at Leeds University, was marked with an expression of thanks and a gift donated by the congregation.

The night time beauty of St Mary’s Church under its five floodlights, has transformed the High Street and has met with universal approval.

Ed:  One thing is certain - a new name will have to be found for Dark Lane!.



by Doreen Walker

The Annual Show, not to be missed, continues to flourish with its colourful displays of flowers and produce from exhibitors.

For the first time the WI displayed entries for their Handicraft Show, and also staged an exhibition of craft items which  created a great deal of interest. This year some new names appeared on the prize cards.  If you did not enter this year there is always next!  Exhibitors come along year after year and their continued support is very much appreciated.  Mrs Iris Edwards was welcomed as new committee member.

Thanks were expressed to not only to the judges, some of whom so willingly come along year after year, but also to those who donated prizes for the Draw, for the help from non-committee members and to all who gave their support in any way.

For many year since the Show first started, the late Mrs Kath Hamlington had been a very active, hard-working long-standing member of the Committee entering the Floral Art Section year after year bringing her own unique contribution to the success of the Shows.  This year was very special as her Grandchildren's families very generously donated a Trophy in her memory to be awarded to the Section so dear to her heart.

We were privileged to have with us Linda and Louise - two of Kath’s grandchildren - who came along to present the Trophy in memory of their “Nan”.  This was received by Ron Upton, a Founder Member of the Produce Show Committee.  Following the presentation, Linda eloquently expressed the feelings of the family.   Linda, the memory of “Bungalow” Nan will live on.

Mrs Kane (Linda) then presented trophies to the successful Exhibitors.  Many thanks to Linda and congratulations to the winners.

The Trophy Winners were as follows:-

Mr G Owen                              British Legion Cup

Exhibitor with most points

Mr V Roberts                          Tradesmen’s Cup


Mrs E Glynne Jones Lowther Cup

Overton WI member with most points

Mr G Owen                             Fitzhugh Goblet

Three Onions from sets

Mr G Owen                             Trotting Mare Cup

Three Leeks

Mr J G Evans                         Farmers Cup

Cucumber - Vegetable Section

Mr K E Farrell                         WI Cup

Cooking Apples - Fruit Section

Mr Ron Upton                        Healey Salver

Five Blooms - Blooms  - Chrysanthemums

Mr D Rennie                          Pam Upton Memorial Bowl

Specimen Rose

Mr G Owen                             Rosselli Cup

Plant Pot Section

Mrs J Ralphs                         Kath Hamlington Memorial Trophy

Arrangement of 5 Blooms - Flower Arranging

Mrs K Lawrenson                 Mrs Wright’s Cup

Arrangement of Red Flowers

Mrs J Hughes                        Mrs Bransby’s Cup

Flower Arranging - Novice

Mrs C H Scott                        Mrs Sumsion’s Tray

Fruit Cake - Cookery Section

Mrs G Roberts                       September Plate

Raspberry Jam

Mrs E Glynne-Jones Mrs Woodhouse’s Bowl

Redcurrant Jelly - Preserves Section

Mr K E Farrell                         Haynes Wine Cooler

White Wine (dry/med dry) - Wine Section

Children’s Classes

Matthew Lawrenson            Mrs Roberts’ Shield

Angaharad Futcher              Mrs Watts’ Shield

Ben Turkie                             Mrs Price Jones’ Shield

Gareth Hughes                     Mrs Wason’s Shield

Angharad Futcher                 21st Anniversary Shield

Congratulations to all

Next Show

1st September 2001

WI results

The judges commented on an excellent standard of entries this year.

Most points in show                          Jean Hughes

Runner up                                         Beaty Roberts

Best entry classes 1-10                     Eliz Glynne Jones

Best entry classes 11-19                   Sylvia Bellis

Best entry in patchwork class            Dilys Parkinson.

Before You Wield the Axe

It's at this time of the year that one starts to think of doing a spot of selective (or drastic) pruning of hedges, bushes and trees that have outgrown their situation. Before we get out the chainsaw, it is prudent to consider  a few things before carrying out the work or having someone to carry out the work for you.

If the branches of a shrub or tree planted in someone else's garden overhang your land, you have the right to trim it back to the boundary line, but not beyond.  Obviously a quick explanation before doing so is the best way to avoid friction, because by law you are required to return the clippings to the tree's owner.

The tree, whether in your own or your neighbours garden,  could be protected by a tree preservation order (TPO).  This is an order placed on a tree, or group of trees, by the local planning authority " in the interest of amenity"  A quick check therefore with the local planning authority will confirm whether it is protected or not.  However, all trees with a trunk diameter of more than 7.5cm at 1.5metres above the ground and situated within the Conservation area of Overton are automatically covered by a blanket TPO. The Orders are not imposed on fruit trees. 

It would be wise to consult with the local planning authority to find out if your property lies within the Overton Conservation Area and whether the trees are formally protected by a Tree Preservation Order. If this is the case, you will need to apply for permission to carry out work on the tree.  Failure to comply with the legislation may result in prosecution and you will be required to replace the tree.

If you are attempting to carry out more than a light prune, it is advisable to seek the services of a professionally qualified tree surgeon. 

No Money for abandoned scheme

For the last two years, Overton Community Council has been trying to persuade the Wrexham County Borough Council to complete a footpath scheme at the rear of the bungalows in Parkside, Overton.  The scheme was started some three years ago, but work was stopped half way through when it was learnt that the Borough Council had encroached on neighbouring farmland which it did not own.  The rear gardens were left in a dangerous state, which the elderly residents have had to endure since that time.

According to the Wrexham Council, the money previously earmarked for the completion of the scheme has been swallowed up elsewhere, and a fresh submission for funds will need to be made to the Council this October.  The Chief Housing Officer of Wrexham County Borough Council has told residents that there are no funds available at the present time to complete the work.

It is understood that the Community Council has written to Martyn Jones MP and local Councillor Lloyd Kenyon to try and get things moving.

Ed:  Wrexham Council seems to have got it all wrong. They can give themselves lap top computers, which they don't need, plus a pay rise this year, and ignore the plight of the elderly in Parkside.

Summer Youth Challenge Competition.

This winning entry was submitted by Sam Hanmer, aged 10, of Maelor Court, Overton.  Here is his story, which wins him a £20 book prize, courtesy of the Overton Oracle.

Drrriiiinngg. The school bell just rang and it read 3.16pm  on Mr Johnson's digital clock which stood on his desk. Everyone jumped up, grabbed their bags, and rushed to the door. Then all of a sudden Mr Johnson stood up. "I have an announcement to make", he bellowed. Then for the first time in his life a small grin appeared on his face. "Have a good holiday." - then like he had never said it, everyone stood up again and ran for the door. I was the last to walk out of the classroom. My name's Sam and today is the last day of school and boy, am I excited.

It was a struggle to get out of the corridor, so I stopped and sat on a bench by a row of small lockers and a pay phone. I opened up my bag and went to pick out my coat, but the coat I picked out wasn't mine. My coat was a yellow raincoat, but this one was a big heavy furry jacket. The bag was filled with more stuff like small boxes that rattled when you shook them, and a pair of rubber gloves. I quickly shoved and pushed my way through a crowd of six-formers. All the 17 year-olds tried to trip me up, but I made it outside. I ran around  the skip next to the school for ages because I knew who the owner of the bag was. Billy Sanders must have switched the bags around in class.

I searched the skip for ages. I looked at my watch and it was 5.30pm, but I've got to find Billy Sanders. All of a sudden I heard a large cracking sound under my feet. Smaaash. I had fallen into a manhole. At first I could only see rocks,  then my head began to throb and everything went black. I woke up, but not in a nice, bouncy, cosy, comfortable bed. I woke up in an underground cavern filled with water and moths. I crawled out.

Psssst!. I heard something. Psssst! There it was again. Then something tugged my trousers. Then a giant orange mole jumped out of a hole in the ground. "Are you deaf or what?", the creature shouted.  A load of bats flew out of their hiding places. "No, No", I replied. "Then what's your name", said the mole. "Sam", I said in a quiet voice. "Do you want to get out of here". "Yes, yes please, Mr.........".   "Just call me Monty", said the mole.  "Okay, if you want to get out, just follow me". Monty the mole ran to a large tunnel. He said that if I wanted to get out, I'd have to get the key from the Rat King. Eventually I came to a dead-end, and Monty had gone, so I paddled around in the dirty water feeling the walls around me. At last I saw a small grid in the wall. I pushed with all my strength. It took a while, but in the end I got it open.

I squashed myself into the tunnel until I got to a swarm of rats and mice, and a fat man sitting on a yellow pipe. "Hi", I said politely. "What do you want peasant?" the man said. "I'm looking for a man called the Rat King". "Well you don't have to look far", he said in a deep voice which reminded me of Mr Johnson. "So, are you the Rat King?" I said.  "Ha, ha, of course I am". I told the Rat King that I needed to find my way out, so he asked me if I had a key. "No" I said, and persuaded the Rat King to trade with me.

I looked through Billy's bag and in one of the small boxes was a tub of a rat food. As soon as he saw the rat food he begged me for it. We swapped, then said our goodbyes. I headed for a ladder that the Rat King had showed me and climbed up. I couldn't see the top but it was very bright. Finally my eyes began to glow and I could see again. I saw Billy and my Mum, and looked around me. I was in the skip. "Hey Sam", my Mum said,  "you had a nasty fall". My bag was on my chest and I got up and started for home. "Bye Billy", I said. "Did you eat my rat food?" he replied.

Seat donated to Bowling Club

At the Overton Bowling Club finals day, Gwynne Lewis, the President, accepted a gift of a seat donated to the Club by the family of Kath and Les Hamlington. 

Kath and Les had been associated with the Club from its formation, when there was a handful of members. Now membership is around 50, and the Club has completed successfully in the Oswestry and District , and Wrexham Leagues. Kath was dedicated to and worked tirelessly for the success of the Club. She had served on the committee for a number of years, more recently as vice-chairperson.

now its SHAKERS!

Last autumn, the men of  Overton Amateur Dramatic Society gave a very professional performance of  BOUNCERS by John Godber and Jane Thornton, playing to full houses in the Scout Hut.  This year it’s the ladies turn.

They have been persuaded to perform SHAKERS, a play which also has 4 demanding multi-roles.  Sue Glover, who is directing the play said:  “Shakers is more than a companion piece to Bouncers. It is an attempt to communicate female issues to the audience with an observational approach.”  SHAKERS will be performed on the 12th, 13th and 14th October in the Village Hall,  which will be transformed into SHAKERS cocktail bar.  And yes, there will also be a bar laid on.  Tickets are available at the Chemist in the High Street..

Ed: If last year is anything to go by, the tickets will sell fast.

Gooday from Australia!

What a fantastic surprise it was when, on a hunch, I keyed in the name of Overton-on-Dee on my computer and suddenly there you were.  What a wave of nostalgia then swept over me!!!

In 1944 my father, then serving with the RAF at Shawbury, decide to temporarily evacuate the family from London's bombings.  He was able to negotiate with two local families to take us in for a while.  Myself and my brother Terry stayed with a fantastic family called Lewis; whilst my mother and my 2 other brothers stayed just across the road with the Arrowsmith family.

It is impossible for me to describe the sheer, total delight we experienced in Overton.  At 73 years of age and after many years of global travel, my mind has become rather to cynical to describe what can only be described via the innocent and wondering of a child.

Sufficient to comment on the wonders of farmer Lewis’s peaceful farm, the fractious geese, (dear old) Tom the farm hand, exciting rabbit catching at harvest time, pheasants calling at dusk from their perches in the copse, dear old Nigger the dog and so many other delights of those days. I must mention the ancient bridge just along the road a few hundred yards, with its evocative ancient inscription underneath.  I must also smile to myself when I recall the devilry we got up to harassing the Land Army girls domiciled close by.

If by any chance there are still descendants of the Arrowsmiths and Lewis’s locally who happen to read this, please accept my gratitude for the kindness of your recent ancestors. May God rest their souls.

Very sincerely

Denis John Wicker, Brisbane,  Australia

Overton’s War Memorial

After reading the article that appeared in the December 1999 issue of the Overton Oracle entitled “Remembering Who”, Alan Jones from Maelor Court, Overton decided that he would research the history of the War Memorial in the High Street.  We continue with part two of a three part serialisation of his story.


After negotiations, conducted mainly by Major High Peel on the community’s behalf between the local Council and Flintshire County Council, permission was given by the County Council to erect a Memorial on land opposite the Church with the proviso it be eight feet from the highway.  At the same time it was decided to provide, at a cost of £113, a footpath and kerbing from the corner of Overton Hall (Willow Street) to the Rectory.  The Parish Council was accountable for the maintenance of the area until January 1941, when the responsibility reverted back to the County Council.  It is now in the domain of the Community Council.

Public subscriptions had raised £170 (today’s value £3,539), and Ernest Jones whose premises were at the rear of the Cocoa and Reading Rooms, was commissioned to construct the Memorial. He also produced the Memorial at Bangor to a completely different design.  The Unveiling and Dedication of the War Memorial took place on Thursday 10th November 1921 at 2.30pm.

The ceremony, stated in the Press as being very impressive, began with the schoolchildren and teachers assembling in the Church. A muster of ex-Servicemen marched to their places led by Major Hugh Peel, who was accompanied by Col. Lord Southwell, (Knolton Hall), Captain the Hon. John Southwell, Captain Wainwright and Sergeant Majors O’Leary. R.W.F and Broad - 5th Dragoon Guards.  The local Foresters (Friendly Society) followed, then the parishioners,  and in the rear Inspector Owen Jones and the Maelor Constabulary.   Every seat was taken and the Service, conducted by Rev F.J.Okell; Rev G. Osborne and the Rev Harrop Williams, began with the recital of the Responses and the reading of the lesson. Wisdom chapter 3, 1-10. The hymn “How Bright These Glorious Spirits Shine” was sung.

A procession was formed to the Memorial in the order:- The Clergy and Choir, the local M.P. Lt. Col. T.H.Parry, DSO. The Buglars, Churchwardens and sidesmen, ex-Servicemen, relatives of the fallen, school children, Foresters and the rest of the congregation. 

(To be continued next month)

Carl competes in the Olympics

Carl Edwards, from Asney Lane, Overton is currently competing in the Olympic Games in Sydney, having been selected to ride alongside Geoff Billington, and brothers John and Michael Whitaker in Great Britain's four-man show jumping team.

Carl, who is 36, has competed in show jumping events since he was six, and sees the Olympics as the pinnacle of his career.  He was crowned the U16 champion and won the European Riders Championship in Holland in 1983. As Carl told the Wrexham Leader “The Olympic Games will be bigger than any event I’ve ever competed in, but I’m confident we can do well.” 

Ed:  We all wish you the best of luck from Overton.


  • On the 5th September, and in response to a long-standing invitation by Graham and Val Watts to visit them in their new home, a group of 22 people made up of W.I. members and their guests enjoyed a delightful coach trip through the beautiful Border countryside to Wick, Mid Glamorgan, where they were given a warm welcome. Graham and Val who lived in Knolton Bryn, send their heartiest greetings to all their friends in Overton.
  • On Saturday 4th November, the White Horse will be holding a  bonfire and firework display to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night.  Fancy dress will be expected!! 
  • Chris and Anne Billington received a visited from HTV in June of this year to film the Argoed Cottage garden for a programme  called “Get Gardening” which was broadcast on the 13th and 15th September.  The Camera crew, producer and presenter  spent 4 hours with Chris and Anne to produce the ten minute slot in the programme. They particularly focussed on the herbaceous beds where the delphiniums were at there best and also the vegetable garden.  Chris and Anne said: “It was an interesting and enjoyable experience and the video recording will provide a lasting image of the garden in the year 2000”.
  • During October this year, Mrs Tina Williams of Sundorne, will jog from Overton to Ellesmere in order to raise funds for Overton Playgroup.  This is a distance of 5 Miles and will be completed without any stops. Tina will complete the run on a weekend day
  • Two new members of staff are welcomed by St Mary’s Primary School, Overton.  Miss Sonia Pastor will be teaching Year 1.  She is a PE specialist and has competed for Wales in horse-riding.  The other new member of staff is Dylan Williams who is taking Year 5. He contributes to the musical talent of the School and plays in a Soul band.
  • Kelloggs are offering small grants to promote voluntary activity for new and emerging organisations and to support existing voluntary organisations in time of financial crisis.  For more information contact Tricia at AVOW on 01978 31256







Overton Village Hall

12th, 13th and 14th October


Tickets on sale at The Chemist




Bonfire + Firework display

Saturday 4th November

Fancy dress