Overtons Free Newspaper - issued
monthly to over 600 homes in Overton
May 2007
The Editorial Team David Burton - Euan Stevenson - Sean Clarke - Jackie Maskall - Cynthia Davies - Maxine Palmer Our reporters cannot be everywhere. EMAIL YOUR STORIES TO
Voting 3rd May for National Assembly for Wales is being held in the VILLAGE HALL Overton
Youth Club Re-Opening Following the April meeting of Overton Community Council, the Youth Club is re-opening with the help of the Community Council. Wrexham Council ceased funding our Youth Club leader in October 2004 and replaced the service with a Youth Bus that we saw once and then disappeared and has not been seen in the village since! The whole sorry saga was fully reported on the front page of the Oracle in February 2005. We
are very fortunate that Helen Fernee of Parkside, who is a fully
trained, nationally certified Youth Community Worker, employed
by Wrexham Council, is prepared to work as a volunteer to get
the Youth Club going again. Meetings will be in the Scout Hut
on Wrexham Road and all Overton youngsters over the age of 11
are welcome. Young people of the village have been asked to e-mail
suggestions and ideas of what they want to see at the Youth Club
and how many evenings it should be opened. Currently the Hut is
available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. (It is used by Guides, Brownies
and Scouts on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays respectively.) Although Helen has some volunteers more are needed to provide help on a rota basis. Volunteers will be offered free training and qualifications should they wish, so if you feel you can help please also e-mail us at editor@overton_on_dee.co.uk SMOKING
April 1st has come and gone! How are all you smokers doing? Smoking
is now ILLEGAL in public buildings and the work place; so are
you feeling the pressure?
What is in tobacco smoke? Tobacco smoke contains 4,000 different chemicals. Many of them are poisonous, as well as the better known ingredients such as nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide, other chemicals included are benzene, ethanol ammonia formaldehyde hydrogen cyanide & poly aromatic hydrocarbon. Living in Wales we are entitled to contact the All Wales Smoking Cessation Service free of charge. As residents of Wrexham Borough Council or being registered with a Wrexham Local Healthboard registered GP entitles you to free help from pharmacies across the area. They can offer excellent advice and support. Many doctors surgeries also offer free help and all can provide trained smoking cessation councellors and free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) to help you kick the habit. All Wales Smoking Cessation Services who provide trained smoking cessation counsellors and free NRT can be contacted on 0880 852219. A list of the pharmacies providing trained cessation councellors and free NRT can be obtained from your local Healthboard on 01978 346500 or speak to your surgery about the service they provide. One more incentive, as well as the improvement to your health think of all the money you will be saving!
Ramblings From the Rectory
Dear Friends, There is a story about the young Robert Louis Stevenson. He was looking out of a window one evening at the Edinburgh Street in which he lived, when an old fashioned lamplighter came past on his rounds. The boy’s nurse called him to come and have his supper, but young Robert couldn’t bear to tear himself away from this remarkable sight. He watched the light suddenly appear in the darkness, as the man lit the lamps. ‘Look, look! He cried, his face pressed against the glass, ‘there is a man out there punching holes in the darkness.’ I think that is a marvellous story, because it illustrates what we are called to do as Christians. We are called to bring hope and love to our world and the people we meet. We are to punch holes in the darkness by our light of love. I read this prayer from Iona the other day which talks of the light we are to bring to our world.
May the Blessing of light be upon you, And
may the light
May God’s light of hope shine from our eyes and may we bring
God’s sunshine to our world. COUNTRY
Dear All, We live in a fantastic rural location surrounded by wildlife, however this is not appreciated by everyone, indeed some people seek enjoyment by persecuting protected species such as Badgers. For those of you who are unaware I am also a Divisional Wildlife Crime Officer, this role requires me to investigate such incidents as "Badger Baiting" and whilst Wildlife crime is not an area that officers are called upon to deal with on a day-to-day basis there are Policing benefits to be gained by tackling wildlife crime. The evidence is clear that those who engage in wildlife crime are also involved in other areas of criminal activity in particular violent offences and drug related offences. Wildlife crime can in addition be seen as anti social behaviour. We can therefore link wildlife crime to our force priorities. Please help me to catch those who flaunt these laws by reporting any suspicious activity, you can always call into Overton Police Station for a chat or contact North Wales
& Overton C.B.M KID’S
reviews My
second review is on the band Take That!
Take That! Agony Aunt Q:
I was out walking the other day with my friends, climbing a crooked
tree, when I dangerously fell many metres to the floor, and landed
on the hard ground. My hand fell into a huge bush of hazardous
nettles. My hand was stinging so badly. I would like to know -
in case it happens in the future - if there are any ways I can
reduce the pain? Yr. 7 Review Hi
everyone, we hope you all had a good Easter and got lots of Easter
eggs! This month our column is all about school reports. School
reports have pieces written by all your teachers about how you
are in lessons, your standard of work whether in class or at home
and the presentation. You also get to write a comment about how
you are settling in and how you think you are doing in each of
your subjects. Also what school teams you are involved in and
any out of school clubs you do. We hope our advice helps you and
please write in if you have any worries. Overton twins speed to success On
the 25th March, Josh and Jamie Kerry, of Sundorne, Overton, competed
in the motocross winter championships held in Kidderminster. This
was a big event for youngsters, and the lads, both aged 8, did
remarkably well in a huge field of competitors. SPORTS
SUCCESS Throughout the winter Thomas Cusworth, 14, has been competing at various Indoor Athletics Championships. In January, he became North Wales U15 champion in 60m, long jump and triple jump at Deeside. Following this at the University in Wales Indoor Centre in Cardiff he became Welsh Under 15 champion in 60m and long jump, taking the bronze in 200m. At the Birmingham National Indoor Arena in February, in the England Championships, he took 5th place in 60m and 200m, thus increasing his UK ranking to 7th in both events. Well done Thomas, let us hope you goon to bigger and better things. Moving on to Thomas' sister Charlotte, not to be left out has had her own bit of good fortune. Charlotte 16, has been through an international selection process with Girl Guiding Cymru and has been chosen to represent Wales at LIFE 07 National Jamboree in Denmark in July. This is an International Jamboree involving 3000 young people from all over the world. Charlotte needs to raise funds to go and has been manning stalls at coffee mornings to help her on her way. Charlotte would like to thank the many people who have already helped her with her quest. If you would like to donate money to help Charlotte, please place your donation in an envelope marked Charlotte and drop it off at Cynthia Davies or at Charlotte's 6 Salop Road. Drama
in the Village In the past village people had to provide their own entertainment, and 100 years ago, musical evenings, concerts and dances were held at Overton school, while the “White Horse” and the “Bryn y Pys Arms” each had a small function room. The Village Hall built in 1926 provided a much needed village centre, and in the early 1930s The Junior Imperial League presented several plays. It was in 1936 that several people from Overton and Erbistock formed the Overton and Erbistock Dramatic Society. In 1937 the Dramatic Society entered the Wrexham Drama Festival and won the Comedy Cup with their presentation of Act One of the play “The Lilies of the Field” by J. Hastings. Mrs Alcock was the producer and the cast were Ronald Atkinson, Jean Glazebrook, Bertha Silion Jones, Mary Burnett, Freda Morral, Kathleen Samston and Edward Benjamin. Mr Ronald Adams, the adjudicator, described it as a very polished and level performance. Later Overton Village Hall was filled to capacity for both evenings when it was presented there. At the Denbigh and Flint Drama festival which was held in the Church House in Wrexham in March 1938, 39 plays were presented. Overton and Erbistock Dramatic Society retained the Comedy Cup with the play “Heaven on Earth” . Edward Benjamin was the producer and the cast were Jean Glazebrook, Marie Taylor, Mary Burnett, Maxwell Lewis and Ronald Atkinson. The adjudicator Miss Eileen Thorndike of London congratulated them on the arrangement of the stage, the ability they all showed to put their parts over and wait for the laughter to just die down. Also commended was the fact that every member of this company realized that when the audience was laughing they had to take themselves seriously. In February 1939 they again entered the Wrexham Drama Festival where they performed two plays “Cocktails before Dinner” and “Distant Drums” gaining 68 points and 74 respectively. The play “Cocktails before Dinner” was written and produced by P Maxwell Lewis and the cast were Jean Glazebrook, W Casper, R Atkinson, D J Silion Jones, Marie Taylor and Margaret Keep. Mrs Atcock was the producer for “Distant Drums” by Phillip Johnson and the cast included W Casper, Freda Morral, R Atkinson, E Benjamin, J Glazebrook and Bertha Silion Jones. It was 18 years later in March 1957 that Dr Casper arranged a meeting in the Parish Room, which was well attended with 21 people apologizing for their absence. Dr Casper then explained their intentions were to meet every fortnight to read plays with a view to producing a play later on. And so the “Overton Amateur Dramatic Society” was revived with Dr Casper as Chairman; A Hewitt as Vice Chairman, Secretary G E Williams, Assistant Secretary O Yeadon, Treasurer Mrs Healy, and the committee consisting of W Price, D Broad and Miss J Woolley. Later in the year whist drives would be held to raise funds. At fortnightly meetings plays were read and on the 14th January 1958 Overton A. D. S. produced their first play “Without the Prince” by Philip King, with A Hewitt as the producer assisted by Mrs S Owen. The cast were W Casper, J Miles, D Broad, M Plowden, G Gregory, A Woolley, A Hewitt, G E Williams, Barry Haynes, and Wenda Haynes. The report in the newspaper said the society, in producing such a successful first play, will have a very high standard to maintain. The society now held weekly meetings at Overton Hall, Dr Casper's home, and in May produced a second play “The Wishing Well” by E Eynon Evans, produced by W Casper. The newspaper reported this second production was a great success and although their first production set a very high standard it was far excelled by their latest effort. All round good casting coupled with excellent direction made this possible. I do remember being taken to see plays at the Village Hall, for example “The Lilies of the Field” and “Heaven on Earth” and have seen and enjoyed many plays produced by the Overton Amateur Dramatic Society since then, last but not least “Goodnight Mrs Puffin”. Your Letters...
Dear Editor, Dear
Editor, OVERTON MEDICAL PRACTICE We are very sorry to say that Dr Charlotte Jones is leaving the practice at the end of May. This is a personal decision to move nearer to family, and one which was taken after much deliberation. She will be missed by us all, having become a very popular and caring member of the staff but we wish her well in her new home and career. We will let you know as soon as a new doctor is appointed. In our constant quest to make life as easy as possible for all patients, can we ask for feedback from any of you who are less mobile as to whether or not we are providing an adequate service. We leave a copy of the current newsletter in the waiting room copied in very large print for those who have a visual disability, and we now have a hearing link in reception to which hearing aids can be tuned. If you want more, we can do more - just say! Demand is growing for additional services like Insurance Claims and Travel Injections etc. To process these properly, and not keep you waiting, we do ask that you give us sufficient time to deal with your request. Insurance correspondence or anything which needs a doctor to sign will take between 10 & 15 working days and travel information at least 5 to 8 working days. FREAKY FASHION St Mary's School, Overton-on-Dee raised over £200 for COMIC RELIEF by holding a Freaky Fashion Day. Highlight of the day was a fashion show along a real catwalk. Overton’s new Methodist minister Overton’s new Methodist minister is Una McLean. Sorry we ran out of space in last month’s Oracle for Una’s picture, but here she is. View from the Village Vets. May is clearly to be a month for walking. One of our vets Sue Allen has entered the ‘Moonwalk’ an overnight marathon walk in London on the 19th May to raise money for breast cancer research. We have sponsor forms on the counter at both of our surgeries and many clients have already offered to sponsor her. For further details go to www.walkthewalk.org.uk. Macmillan Cancer Support are also holding a series of ‘Walk Wonders’ during the month to encourage owners and their dogs to walk and raise money for this equally worthwhile charity. Those wishing to find out more about the Macmillan walks should log on to the website at www.macmillan.org.uk/walk. If
you would like to participate in one of the walks, but have no
dog to accompany you, have you thought of volunteering to walk
dogs at a rescue centre or even to give a new home to one of their
inmates? National Pet Week celebrates it’s 18th birthday this year by becoming National Pet month running from 7th April to 7th May (www.nationalpetmonth.org.uk) and with a theme of ‘Love is....’ the charity has been trying to demonstrate how pets are part of family life, the love they bring to all family members and how we can repay that love. What better time can there be to think about giving a dog or cat a new loving home? Mark Spurdens, Maelor Vet Centre. 01978 711975 FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS Congratulations to Scott Rennie & Katie Payne on their marriage on May 5th at Colwyn Bay. Congratulations to Wilf and Rafela Macdonald Brown on the birth of their baby daughter, a baby sister for Alfie & Frank. Congratulations to Myra & Vince on the birth of their grandchild James Owain Worthington, new son for Mark & Claire. Congratulations to Pauline and John Dodd on their Golden Wedding Anniversary on 1st June and many thanks for delivering the Oracle for many years. Belated Happy 70th Birthday to Anne Butt to Scott Lawrenson 8yrs and to Geoff Hodgeson. Happy May Birthdays to India Simon 10yrs, Luke Haynes 10yrs, Eleanor McCusker 10yrs, Molly Simon 12yrs, Emily Simon 16yrs, Gail Coupland, Josie Ralphs, Jim Phillips and Janine Austin. Happy
40th to Chris Worthington, Happy Birthday to Jade Aird who will be 10 on May 16th. Lots of love and kisses from Grandma, Granddad, Uncle Andrew and Archie the chocolate labrador. A speedy recovery and best wishes to Mrs Erlys Williams Our Deepest Sympathy to family and friends of Mary Pugh who passed away in March, and Stanley Wright who passed away in the middle of April. It is with regret that we note the death of Geoff Owen. Geoff lived in Overton and was well known as a choir member & treasurer of St. Mary’s church, and also as a server in the “corner shop”, where he did the “early shift”. He was born in 1936 in Isycoed and went to Grove Park School in Wrexham. He served in the Royal Air Force and later as deputy head of the Finance department of the NAAFI in Nottingham, before returning to the family home in Overton. Geoff was a private person, with a dry sense of humour, who loved travelling and taking part in quizzes. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him. |