Overtons Free Newspaper - issued monthly to over 600 homes in Overton
April 2005
The Editorial Team Maxine Palmer - Sean Clarke - Wally Wilton - David Burton - Lesley Pugh - Euan Stevenson Our reporters cannot be everywhere. EMAIL YOUR STORIES TO EDITOR@OVERTON-ON-DEE.CO.UK
Saves but Elvis converts!
I’ve never liked Elvis. In fact I’ve been cultivating an unhealthy hatred of the ‘King’, for many years now. I know I am in the minority and that millions of people the world over still love him, but I’m not one of them. What psychological damage did I suffer as a child? Why have I shunned the artist who has influenced modern music more than Bernie Eccleston on Formula One. How are Everton fourth in the Premiership?..... Who knows? Due to a series of complicated circumstances I found myself in
Overton Recreational Club on Saturday 12th March armed with a
camera and expecting to experience/ endure / enthuse over, (select
your preference) an evening with Elvis. Enter stage left - Shayne Prince, relative newcomer to full time entertainment as a profession (eight months), and dressed conspicuously in non-jump suit apparel. Introducing himself as an Elvis tribute, as opposed to an impersonator, Shayne kicks off his set with ‘Don’t be Cruel’. At this point I wondered if he sidelined in fortune telling. He worked through his repertoire of Elvis classics ranging from 1954 –1976 and I was defeated. Talent and Integrity in abundance—I had no chance. By the second half there was an outbreak of spontaneous dancing and Shayne was belting out ‘Viva Las Vegas’ surrounded by a decent sized gyrating throng. Even I enjoyed it. Catching a few words with the Welshpool based artiste, he explained that Elvis’ songs suited his vocal and that there was a big demand for that particular genre. The locals certainly appreciated his efforts. I may not be booking a trip to Graceland just yet but I would watch him again and although it pains me to say, thoroughly enjoyed his performance.
At present Alan works for Wrexham County Borough Council but is due to retire in June and that prompted him to consider joining the Council. “I very much enjoy living in Overton, I think it is a great village and look forward to serving its residents.” The Community Council recognises that Alan’s background will be a valuable asset and look forward to working with him. COUNTRY BEAT
Overton Medical Practice News Our new environment feels very much like home. There is a book for comments on the reception desk and everyone seems really impressed with the new surgery. . Thank you for your comments we do appreciate feed back from our patients. We have taken note of all the comments and the raised kerb on the first parking bay at the front of the building, which has caused some problems, will be taken care of as soon as possible. There is still the spacious car park behind the surgery, the Portakabin has been removed and the contractor is returning to improve the pathway and erect clear signs to the front of the building. A statistic that might surprise patients is that since the beginning of November 2004 until end of February 2005, we had 123 lost appointments because the patient did not attend. We know it is sometimes difficult to get in to see the Doctor, so you can imagine our frustration when appointments are missed. Please let us know if you are unable to keep your appointment in order that someone else has the opportunity to take it. The school nurse, district nurses and health visitor, based at the Overton Medical Practice are having a number of health events. Leaflets will be displayed in their section of the building. Events being held in April are 11th – 17th April Parkinson Awareness week. The week after is National Depression Week April 18th - 24th. The Bowling Club, following a very successful season in 2004, is confident of even greater success this season. We have entered six teams (including two Veterans teams) in the Oswestry League and look forward to the start of the season on 12th April 2005. The green was reopened on Easter Sunday and we are delighted that the Club continues to attract an increasing number of new members and in fact, we are now very close to optimum membership of 60. Would all members kindly note that any outstanding membership
subscriptions should be paid by 31st March 2005. A recent raffle and Dutch auction held at the club in aid of
the Tsunami Disaster Appeal raised £620.00 a cheque for
this amount has been sent to the Appeal Fund.The Committee would
like to thank Doreen Hamlington and Cynthia Davies for running
the Raffle and members who gave generously to the cause. Thanks
also to all members who donated prizes. A very successful outcome
for a worthy cause.