Overtons Free Newspaper - issued monthly to over 600 homes in Overton
JULY 2006
The Editorial Team David Burton - Euan Stevenson - Sean Clarke - Jacky Maskall - Cynthia Davies - Maxine Palmer Our reporters cannot be everywhere. EMAIL YOUR STORIES TO EDITOR@OVERTON-ON-DEE.CO.UK Welcome
Back to the Online Oracle!
editorial team apologise for the delay in updating the Oracle web
page due to technical difficulties. Over the next few weeks backissues
of the Oracle from Sept 2005 to June 2006 will be posted on the website"
Signed Jackie Maskall, Chairman of the Editorial Team |
FETE ! The
rain stayed away and the crowds came out to make Overton Fete
a great success.
Special Weekend for the Methodist Church Our weekend of Arts, Crafts and Flowers, culminating in a lovely ‘Songs of Praise’ for Creativity on the Sunday Evening, was an unqualified success. This was due to all the hard work put in by members and friends who showed their beautiful needlework and paintings; some of which we were able to sell, with 10% of the profits going to Gareth Braisdell’s trip to Belize in December. The flowers in the Chapel were really beautiful. Many thanks to the arrangers! We
were delighted at the number of people who visited us and their
comments were most favourable. Stewards working on a rota basis
plied our visitors with tea, coffee and biscuits each day and
we are most grateful to them for giving up so much of their time
so willingly. Meanwhile the skittles competition run by the Methodist Church at the fete raised £52 and the winner of the £10 prize was Daniel Northall of Trench, Ellesmere. Thanks to Phil Edwards, Mike Coupland and Beattie Roberts for running it!
warmer weather has unfortunately brought with it an increase in
thefts from gardens, sheds and outbuildings where various items
and tools have been stolen. As I ask every month, please, please,
please do your best to secure your property and report any suspicious
activity to the police. Ramblings
From the Rectory Dear Friends, St
Swithun’s Day comes on July 15th. The old saying is that
if it rains on St Swithun’s Day it will rain for forty days.
After the May we have had, nothing would surprise me! The rhyme
goes like this The legend of St Swithun is a very old one and was said to have taken place in the year 1100. Bishop Swithun lived in the town of Winchester and the people of the town loved him very much, because of his kindness and generosity of spirit. St Swithun was by nature a very humble man and he lived quite simply. He did not wish to have an elaborate funeral and wanted to be buried in a simple grave so that he could have the open sky above him instead of the roof of a grand tomb. When he died the people of the town granted his wish. After several years, the Pope decided that St Swithun should be a saint. The monks living in Winchester became concerned about his grave. They felt it was much too humble for a Saint. And so they decided to move his body into the Cathedral, where a grand tomb would be built. The day of the removal was 15th July. A grand procession was planned, but unfortunately when the day dawned it was raining hard. By all accounts it rained so hard, the procession had to be cancelled. It rained harder and harder and the monks became concerned and uneasy., The bad weather continued and it rained for forty days without stopping, people began saying that God himself was not pleased about the monks’ intention to move the Saint from his chosen grave. In the end the monks decided to leave St Swithun where he was and built a small simple chapel around the grave, so people could come and pray. St Swithun reminds us that we will be remembered by our kindness and compassion, rather than the money or position we have held in life. Can it be said of us that people know us by our gentleness and love? May St Swithun’s example inspire us all, and let us all hope that it does not rain on the 15th July. Your Friend and Rector, David Ramblings
of a female mad-man Hey
sorry about last time but there has been a lot going on. Thanks
Jen for all your reviews and work for the page. If there is anything
anyone wants to submit you know how to reach me. Review
Top Actor!
The Cold Within Six
Humans trapped by happenstance, in
bleak and bitter cold, Their
dying fire in need of logs, the first man held his back, The
next man looking ‘cross the way saw one not of his church The
third one sat in tattered clothes, he gave his coat a hitch. The
rich man just sat back and thought of the wealth he had in store, The
black man’s face bespoke revenge as the fire passed from
sight, The
last man of this forlorn group did naught except for gain, Their
logs held tight in death’s still hand, was proof of human
sin, Anonymous
Maelor Youth F.C. held their AGM and presentation in Overton Park on Sunday 14th May. Every player was presented with a medal. Other presentations included:
The Player of the Year Trophy was awarded to Ross Morrison At present the club have almost 100 players from all over the Maelor district aged 7—16. Next season the club intend to run an all girls team which will play against other all girl teams from all over the Wrexham district. Any girls currently in Years 5 & 6 who are interested in playing and would like to attend training sessions and trials contact Carol Morrison on 710951.
Scout Hut is now in regular use three On
Monday it’s used by Brownies from 5.30pm to 7.00pm. And on Friday’s it’s Scouts and Explorer Scouts from 7 pm to 9 pm. The Scout Group would like to re-start Cubs and start a Beaver colony and whilst there is no shortage of youngsters to take part – it’s all about leaders. So if you know of anyone who would be prepared to help out please ask them to contact Group Scout Leader David Burton on 710631. No experience is necessary as full training will be given. OVERTON MEDICAL PRACTICE The Patient Participation Group has now been running for a year. An original member, Edward Pugh has just resigned and he was thanked for his valuable contribution. We are looking for someone who has a couple of hours every three months to spare. A parent with young children or a teenager would bring a new aspect to the group and they might find it enlightening. We are aware that the ‘disabled parking’ signs in the car park are not that visible. They will be cleaned on a regular basis; don’t forget that you can park in the rear car park and there is pedestrian access through the gate and round to the front of the building. There is a new appointment system on trial until August; you may be offered a time later in the morning than is usual. One doctor will start at 8.30am each day, the last appointment time remains 5.40pm. The new system will add 16 routine appointments per week. We are doing our very best to improve availability of appointments but for the first 3 months there were 204 appointments where the patient did not attend, an increase on last year which is a sad reflection when we are doing our utmost to improve the situation. Please do let us know if you cannot attend surgery. The triage system is continuing as our review of appointments ensures that people who need to be seen urgently can be within 24 hours. Some problems can be dealt with over the telephone avoiding the need to come in to the surgery. If you do feel you need to be seen within 24 hours please let the receptionist know and she will ask our triage nurse to call you back. Dr Linney is reducing her working hours per week with the practice. Three young children makes for a very busy life and understandably her family must be her prime consideration. From the beginning of this month she will be holding two surgeries a week in Overton on a Tuesday and Thursday morning only. There may be an odd occasion when she covers in Bangor but Dr Asprou will be on duty Tuesday afternoons during June. We have decided to print a large lettered copy of this Newsletter each month for those who may have a sight problem. A copy will be placed in both surgeries which we hope may be of benefit to some. If there are any other ways that we can be of assistance, to those of you who may need a little more help, please tell us. Dr Asprou’s Clinical Fellowship year comes to a close at the end of next month, we shall be so sorry to see him go as he has fitted in so well with both staff and patients. A GP Registrar will be starting in August and hopefully a new partner should be joining the practice in the early autumn, new faces, fresh ideas to keep the place on form and full of new ideas!
THURSDAY CLUB CELEBRATES 30 YEARS Overton Thursday Club held their Thirtieth Anniversary Celebration on Thursday 22nd June. The club meets ever other Thursday in Our Lady and the Welsh Martyrs Church Hall. The
members were entertained with music and anecdotes provided by
Revd Andrew Evans. An excellent buffet was followed by a selection
of cakes and a Birthday Cake to celebrate the 30th anniversary.
The Mongol Rally 2006
Dear Editor,
4 stray dogs have been handed in to our practice in the last couple of weeks. Stanley, a regular wanderer was quickly re-united with his owner with the suggestion that an operation might help to kerb his wanderlust! The 2nd dog was unidentified without collar or microchip and so was collected by the local dog warden. It will reside at the taxpayers expense for 7 days and then if unclaimed with luck it will be taken on by the rescue kennels and kept until a new home can be found. The two other dogs arrived one evening and were both found to be microchipped. A phone call to the Petlog database let us to rapidly re-unite them with their worried and grateful owners. Unless
your dog is a serial wanderer and recognised by all the local
vet practices, what would happen if your pet went astray without
a collar or identification?
The welcome arrival of warm weather has been accompanied by the
annual RSPCA poster reminding us of the dangers of leaving dogs
locked in cars. Temperatures in a vehicle can quickly rise to
over 120 degrees Fahrenheit on a summer day and a dog will rapidly
suffer from heatstroke. Mark Spurdens, Maelor Vet Centre. The Twinning Association
The Twinning Association are hosting the next exchange visit between
Sunday 30th July and Sunday 6th August and will entertain 17 friends
from La Murette. THANK YOU Overton’s Community Council wish to express their gratitude to our Clerk, Katharine Crockford, who works intensely on our behalf. However, we wish to take this opportunity to remind everyone that our Clerk is only employed on a part time basis. Therefore, if you wish to speak to her, please telephone to make an appointment or to leave a message for her attention on 710055. PLEASE REMEMBER Your Editorial Team—David Burton, Euan Stevenson Sean Clarke, Jackie Maskall, Cynthia Davies, Maxine Palmer. If you have a story, contact any team member or email info@overton-on-dee.co.uk All
articles and advertisements in the Overton Oracle are published
in good faith and without prejudice. |