January 2001

Overton’s Free Newspaper - issued monthly to over 600 homes in Overton


The Editorial Team

Alan Edwards - David Burton - Ken Farrell - Maureen Evans - Lesley Pugh - Christine Stead

Our reporters cannot be everywhere.

If you have a story contact any team member or ring 01978 710422

Father Christmas checks his list

Father Christmas dropped by on the 12th December to carry out some last minute checks to his list, so that he could make sure that the right presents were delivered on Christmas Eve.

Includes Photograph


Rain forces Community Carol Singing to be held in St Mary's Church

It was Thursday 16th December and the carol singers were all wrapped up against the cold. But it wasn't cold - it was wet - again!

Includes Photograph


He's behind you. Oh no he isn't!

Yes folks, it's pantomime time again, and this year Overton kicks off with a rip roaring pantomime which is set in Old Shanghai and aptly named "THE WOK + ROLL PANTOMIME".

Includes Photograph


Overton Playschool receives £400

Last October Tina Williams from Sundorne, Overton, jogged non-stop from Overton to Ellesmere to raise funds for Overton Playgroup.

Includes Photograph


Station Road to be resurfaced

The highways department of Wrexham County Borough Council has included the re-surfacing of the A539 from Overton to Lightwood Green in its current resurfacing programme.


Planning Applications

The following planning applications have recently been granted by Wrexham County Borough Council in the Overton area.



A number of readers have commented on the article in last month's Oracle regarding speeding in the village and the "Kill Your Speed, Not A Neighbour" campaign. Most are in favour of the campaign and many have suggested that one benefit of observing the 30 mph speed restriction when entering the village, is that following drivers will also be forced to drive at 30 mph or less.

Ed. That's an interesting thought and leaves the Police with a fewer number of lunatics to deal with!

A Smile for you

Smiling is infectious;
you catch it like the flu,
When someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too,
I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin,
When he smiled,
I realized,
I'd passed it on to him.

I thought about that smile,
then realised its worth,
A single smile,
just like mine could travel round the earth,
So, if you feel a smile begin,
don't leave it undetected,
Start an epidemic quick,
and get the world infected.

Smile at someone today

Where's our civic pride?

"Where's our civic pride?", asked Councillor Humphreys at a recent meeting of the Community Council. Councillors were appalled at the amount of litter strewn about the village streets in addition to the amount of dog mess that is being found on grass verges and footpaths. This is still a problem despite numerous articles in local newspapers and a change in the local byelaws, which enable fines of £1,000 to be imposed.


Maelor School receives Arts Council Grant

The Maelor School, Penley has been successful in obtaining a lottery grant of £9,390 to improve the ageing lighting of the school hall.


Photo with the famous

Last month we asked if anyone had been photographed with a famous person.

Includes Photograph


Public Conveniences saved from Closure

Overton Community Council has stepped in to save the Public Toilets in School Lane from closure during the winter months.


Did you know..................


Overton Tennis Club

"Overton Tennis Club is a small friendly club with teams in the local league. But it also has Club nights where anyone, member or not, can turn up and play", says Secretary, Jane Peel Cross.


Football Club receives cash boost

Overton Recreational Football Club received a cash boost of £100 from the proceeds of a recent Karaoke Night held on the 2nd December at the White Horse Inn.

Includes Photograph


Full fixture card for Overton Cricket Club

Although the cricket season (such as it was) is now over, Overton Cricket Club has a full fixture card drawn up for the forthcoming season's practice sessions. Overton-on-Dee has a good base with excellent facilities at their pavilion, and they also have their own newsletter on the web. The Club is very keen to encourage young people to play and welcomes new faces.

Mindless vandalism spoils Christmas cheer

Vandals attacked the Christmas tree in Overton and tried to uproot the electricity supply to it. Apart from the extreme danger that they put themselves in, they had no thought about spoiling the pleasures of Christmas for others in the community.
