Overton’s Free Newspaper - issued monthly to over 600 homes in Overton

January 2008


The Editorial Team

David Burton - Euan Stevenson - Sean Clarke - Jacky Maskall - Cynthia Davies

Our reporters cannot be everywhere.


Oh Yes It Is ! - It’s Overton Panto !
Overton Amateur Dramatic Society present
“Dick Whittington”
in Overton Village Hall 7.30pm, Thursday 24th, & Friday 25th, and 2.00pm & 7.30pm Saturday 26th January,

Tickets will cost £5 per adult & £3.50 for children under16
Tickets will be on sale Sat 12th & 19th Jan in the Parish Room
from 10:00 am – 12:00 noon.

Friends of St Mary’s
by Peter Rosselli

The formation and objects of The Friends of St Mary’s was described in the September edition of The Oracle and it might be of interest for people to hear of the progress to date.

The team of Margaret Samson, Michael and Avril Lawrenson, David and Jill Burton with Peter Rosselli actively started to seek support from early in October, At that time we hoped but by no means were sure that the initiative would be welcomed by the community so it was with some trepidation that we started knocking on doors soliciting support – we reasoned that anything was better than nothing!

In the event we need not have worried. I can speak for all of us when I say that we have been overwhelmed by the attitude of all those who we have visited. Even if for good reasons some did not wish to be involved, we received nothing other than support for our initiative and it was really enjoyable talking to people whom we would not meet too often on a day to day basis – so this was a bonus to the team. The village enthusiastically shares our determination to keep St Mary’s in good condition for the next generation.

Financially, the results were far above our modest expectations. During the first year, we will raise over £4500 which with Gift Aid declarations will aggregate to in excess of £5000, highly satisfactory for the initial year. This may be improved by those who indicated support but who have not had time to put their intentions into practice!

This will greatly assist not only to pay for some of the costs in keeping the Church, the Churchyard and the Old Cemetery in good order but start to build up some reserve against the future. It is important, however to put this into perspective – everybody knows the expenses of maintaining a house and the size and complexity of the church makes it inevitable that a lot of money will be needed to continue keeping it in pristine condition – so we will be approaching everybody next year!

The campaign was carried out by personal visits and we could never hope to cover all the community on the first round There must be many who might like to become a Friend but who were not approached – for this we apologise and hope that on reading this update they will contact any of us. Also if any Friend knows somebody who would be willing to support, would they point them in our direction?

Ramblings From the Rectory
by David Lewis

Dear friends,
I have always found myself feeling rather low and down in January, the winter blues or post Christmas blues as some people call it. Everything seems rather bleak and grey after the excitement and glitter of Christmas.

And yet if we take the Christmas message seriously, then it should fill our lives with joy and hope, long after the Christmas decorations have been boxed and sent back to the attic. The Christmas message of God loving us so much that he came to earth in the form of a human Baby, is a message of love for all the year round.

There is a wonderful poem by Ian Cowie entitled New Year Blessing that speaks of us carrying the Christmas message of love into the new year and beyond:

“We stand to face the future.
God behind us in the past;
Christ before us, the way ahead;
Christ beside us in this moment;
Christ beneath us in our weakness;
Christ above us to shield us -
Beneath the shadow of his wings we are safe;
Christ between us to bind us in the unity of his love;
Christ in us equipping us with his all-sufficient grace.

Thus armed, guided and protected we face the New Year

Now we arise and go forth on the journey before us,
knowing that where Christ leads, life is a journey home.
Therefore we travel in faith, hope and in love,
in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

With Jesus beside us, may we all travel into this New Year in faith and hope and love.
Every blessing,

by Constable Luke Hughes, Community Beat Manager

At sale time when the shops are crowded, the pickpocket has more chance to steal from you. If you can't arrange to shop during less busy times, make sure you stay alert and be extra careful with your wallet or purse. If you have too many bags you will be too busy trying to hold on to these to be aware of anyone stealing from you. You could try to make smaller shopping trips rather than do it all at once and carry too much. Have your purse/wallet close to your body and don't carry too much cash.

The same applies to travelling on crowded buses or trains. If you travel by car, make sure you park in a well-lit area, lock all doors and windows and do not leave presents in view. Try not to return to your car to leave purchases in the boot before continuing with your shopping trip as thieves may well watch car parks for just such a chance. Arrange to collect heavy items from stores when you have finished all your shopping. Keep your chequebook and cheque card separately.

With the extra Christmas presents you have received you may well find you need to check your insurance to make sure you are covered for the value of goods in your home. Take the frame numbers of new cycles and the serial numbers of new electrical equipment for future reference. Remember, empty boxes left outside advertise that you have new goods inside - dispose of packing carefully.

Strangers at the door - genuine delivery personnel usually have uniforms and liveried vehicles and should not need to come into your home. Charity collectors will have identification, ask to see it. If you are not sure but want to make a donation, ask whether these can be made in other ways, perhaps through a bank.

Happy New Year. Luke Tel: 0845 607 1002

by the Overtinions and our mascot Lucy!

Hey Everyone! Happy New Year! Hope you have a wonderful year!

Jen’s Reviews

Hey everyone. This month I will be reviewing the film ‘Enchanted’.
This film is based on any traditional cartoon original love story but with a twist. The characters get lost and enter the real, full dimensional New York! It is now up to one man to try and get them back where they belong before the Evil Queen finds them! Filled with laughter, excitement and romance. I would recommend this film to anybody who loves a love story. But remember, not all films have happy endings!
Rating: 8/10
For anyone who loves a love story

Agony Aunt
Hi Oracle readers hope you are enjoying the winter and had a great Christmas.

Q: All of my friends had wonderful Christmases and I did too but their mum and dad got them the latest toys and CD's, my mum and dad didn’t have as much money as my friends parents and I find it hard because I feel left put when they talk about what they got for Christmas.

A: I can see how this could be hard, but you have to stop thinking that Christmas is all about the presents, what’s more important is being with your family and enjoying their company. Presents are for Christmas, family is forever!

Rebecca and Lucy

Riddle - What's the least number of chairs that you would need around a table to fit four fathers, two grandfathers and foursomes?
Riddle - How many letters are in the alphabet?
Riddle - A man walks up to you and says “everything I say is a lie”. Is he telling the truth?
Riddle 1 - Four. The four fathers could be grandfathers but would definitely be sons
Riddle 2 - Eleven. 3 in ‘the’ and 8 in ‘alphabet’
Riddle 3 - No, He is lying!
Celebrity of the month? Fabio Capello - because he has gallantly accepted the England manager job and has vowed to learn English for the team - Good Luck!

Answer to December Riddle : CARTOON

Maelor Pupils Old and New

To Celebrate 50 years of The Maelor School, Penley, commemorative mugs are for sale. The price of these mugs are £5.00 each. Anyone wishing to purchase one please contact the Young Enterprise group on 01978 781134

Overton Recreation Ground, Proposed Youth Facility

With reference to the proposed youth facility at the recreation ground, North Wales Police and Overton Community Council proposes to improve the provision of facilities on the existing public open space at Overton.

A consultation event has been undertaken with local children, and their views have been fully considered when designing the new youth facility. The proposal consists of providing a Youth Shelter. The proposed new facilities are to be for the use of children and young people within the local area.

You are invited to comment on this via a petition which will be put in all shops around the Overton area before the scheme is progressed any further. The aim of this informal consultation is to seek to identify potential problems or conflicts of interest and take into account any concerns you may have at an early stage. The petition is also to gather a number of signatures that agree with the scheme.

Feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns.
Emily Williams
PCSO 2876 Williams emily.williams2@north-wales.police.uk

Happy New Year for the Rainbow Centre

After years of fundraising the Rainbow Centre, a facility enjoyed by many older Overton residents, is to look forward to a new building.
This has been made possible by a grant of £398,350 from the Big Lottery ‘People and Places’ programme. This with other funding from the Welsh Assembly, the Henry Smith Charity and the Penley Village Hall trustees, means they have raised over £600,000 and building can begin soon. The Rainbow aims to continue providing their members with a quality of life that they deserve.

St. Mary’s School News

The class listen to a Christmas story in front of the log fire

Mr William’s class visited Chirk Castle in December to find out what Christmas was like in 1889. The children helped the servants in the Servants Hall with their preparations, working with the cook make peppermint creams, helping the nursery maid get ready the Victorian toys, and the housemaid prepare traditional decorations. The Butler then escorted the children to the Drawing Room to meet Her Ladyship. They sang a Christmas carol and received a gift from the huge Christmas tree.

Pupils at St Mary’s School held an art exhibition of their own work in the school. For the event the school, was turned in to a giant art gallery, and everyone was welcome to see the pupils’ expertise.


Thank you to all those people who sent information for the correspondent in the December Oracle who was seeking information about Canister Hall where her ancestors lived in the 1830s. Your information has been forwarded on to Ann.

"Canister Hall” was 4 cottages joined together with one central chimney which they all shared. The name came from the shape of the building which was said to resemble a tea canister. It was owned by Sir Watkin Williams Wynn.

The cottages were approached by three steps, but in 1895 when the Wrexham to Ellesmere railway line opened, the road at the bottom of Canister Hill was raised by 18 feet to assist traffic to Overton station.


If we had one wish for the New Year I think it would have to be that patients tried to make sure they kept their appointments or else rang and cancelled them in time to allow us to re-allocate to other patients. The figures show that missed appointments for the first 10 months of 2007 equated to 651, the number for the same period in 2006 was 642 so it would appear that there has been no improvement, regardless of the fact that we mention the problem on a regular basis. Please note that since 1st September we now have a policy whereby any patient missing 2 appointments in a 3 month period will have their details reviewed by Doctors with a view to contact being made with them. Further missed appointments could result in a patient being de-listed.

Recruits to the new ‘Online Access’ seem to have slowed down, this service is to help you with booking your appointments. We hope to be able to offer a service for repeat prescriptions soon which we feel will help those who don’t physically pass the surgery door and find dropping off a written request rather a chore. Ask at either Overton or Bangor-On-Dee reception for details if you are at all interested. Patients do have a better understanding of medicine these days and can identify fairly quickly when they are unwell. There is a tendency for patients to bring in a urine sample and ask if it can be dipped to find out if an infection is present. These will not be accepted by the reception staff unless a clinician has requested one. If you are unwell you need to either make an appointment to see or speak to a doctor who will then instruct you as to the procedure they wish you to take.

We have been informed of the decision by Rowlands Pharmacy that the service they provided to the Bangor-On-Dee Post Office has been stopped. This was a voluntary gesture and Mark at the Post Office has been very helpful in allowing it for the past 16 years. They are putting in place an option for home delivery, most likely for those who have mobility problems or are house-bound. As soon as we know the details we will publish them in both surgeries. The first Practice Patient Participation Group for the new year 2008 will be held on Monday 21st January at 6.00pm – come along and contribute, do something different, you might just enjoy it. We can only conclude by wishing all our patients a ‘Very Happy and Peaceful New Year’ .

Award of Merit for Overton Scout Leader
by David Burton

Overton Scout Leader Tony Grice was awarded the Award of Merit at the Wrexham District Carol Concert in St Giles Church Wrexham on Friday 7th December. Tony joined 1st Skegby St Andrews Cub pack in 1965 aged 8, later becoming a scout with the same group. He went on to be a Venture Scout at the 2nd Sutton-in-Ashfield Group where he gained his Queen’s Scout Award and Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award.

16 years later when his eldest son Martin had joined Bangor Cubs Tony became a helper and then Cub Scout Leader in 1992 a position he held until 2002. Cub Scout Leaders usually adopt a name from Kipling’s Jungle Book, typically Akela. Tony adopted the name ‘Tiger’.

In 1996 he joined Overton Scouts as a helper, becoming Scout Leader in 1997. In 2002 he handed Bangor Cubs to a new leader to concentrate on Overton Scouts. He still helps out at Bangor as Assistant Cub Scout Leader, which is beneficial to the older cubs who know Tiger when they come up to Scouts in Overton. His recommendation for the award stated, “Tony has shown great skill and dedication in his work for Bangor Cubs and Overton Scouts and fully deserves this award.”

Tony Grice and his Award of Merit

Your Letters...

Dear Editor,
First of all, many thanks for giving me a mention in the write-up by Sean about your great big and very successful party. After all the effort put into every activity, it is no wonder you have become the Village of the Year. Congratulations to the whole team.
However almost every month (usually the Oracle reaches me quite a few weeks later) I have to sit and wade through the latest alteration to the Rules of the Surgery - I'm sure the monthly wailing of missed appointments cannot popularise your magazine, so here's a poem which should put a stop to it! (see below)
Anyway, good luck with the Oracle for 2008 and I lie in wait hoping for the good old-fashioned juicy bits to appear in future!
Hazel Matthews of Porthmadog

Monthly, the Surgery re-writes it’s rules,
Decreeing a quite bitter pill,
It’s due to the number of empty slots
Which patients keep failing to fill.

So may I suggest a different approach,
To make every visit worthwhile,
I’m sure it would double appointments
And make all the villagers smile!

Each morning when all doors are open,
Serve coffees and biscuits to all,
Then at lunch-time, a trayful of sherries -
You’ll find patients are coming to call!

At two o’clock hand round the scones,
With hot complimentary tea,
Then thanks to strawberry jam and cream,
All slots will be full, you’ll see!

As this system becomes tried and tested
The Practice will become transformed,
The Doctors will see all their patients,
And the Surgery totally reformed!

Hazel Matthews

Dear Editor,
With reference to Page 3 of the December Oracle, a common misconception is that the longest English word which has all letters in the alphabetical order is “almost”. However it is a word for a grass genus "Aegilops" which contains eight-letters that is the longest English word and having all its letters appearing in the alphabetical order. Seven-letter words which came close include addeems, alloquy, beefill, billowy, dikkops and gimmors. Matt Worsdell

Ed: Thanks for the info, although the item was for the Kids Page.

Dear Editor,
Today 14/12/07 on my way back home to the village from the Bangor on Dee direction at approximately 2:10pm I was unlucky enough to run into the fox hunting gang on one of their hunts. I was disgusted for two reasons. The first reason is how barbaric fox hunting is chasing that poor fox across countless fields with a pack of dogs and people on horses until it is to tired to run no more. How would these people feel if it where them that was being chased. Think of the fear that must run through that animals mind, how would they like it? The second reason is that while they were crossing the road, traffic was brought to a stand-still for five minutes so that the pack of dogs could cross and the horses could jump the fences. As well Land Rovers were driving up the wrong side of the road so that they could catch up with the hunt, bringing mud onto the road and this again can cause problems for the motorist. I know fox populations have to be controlled but surely there is a more humane way of doing this and not by upper class peoples twisted form of entertainment. Mr A Harris
Ed: The Hunting Act 2004 outlawed hunting with dogs in England and Wales from 18 February 2005.
But looks can be deceiving, were they hunting foxes?

Quiz 1 18 days of Christmas
1 Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer 19 green bottles
2 Silent Night 20 days in a fortnight
3 O little town of Bethlehem 21 planets in the solar system
4 Good King Wenceslas 22 cards in a deck (not count jokers)
5 Deck the halls 23 days in February in a leap year
6 Joy to the world 24 petals on a Yorkshire rose
7 Hark the Herald Angels 25 degrees in a full circle
8 We three Kings 26 thousand miles per second-the
9 Away in a manger speed of light
10 Come all ye faithful 27 days in a leap year
11 O Holy Night 28 days & nights of the great flood
12 I’m dreaming of a White Christmas 29 weeks in a fortnight
13 Silver Bells 30 eggs in a dozen
14 The 12 days of Christmas 31 leagues under the sea
15 It came upon a midnight clear 32 man went to mow
16 Frosty the snowman (went to mow a meadow)
17 All I want for Christmas 33 wise men
18 I saw Mama kissing Santa 34 corners on a square
19 Walking through a winter wonderland 35 the square of seven
20 Up on the rooftop 36 squares on a chess board
37 minutes in a quarter hour
Quiz 2 38 wonders of the ancient world
1 letters in alphabet 39 total number of spots on a dice
2 men in a boat 40 legs on a tripod
3 trombones in big parade 41 years in a century
4 keys on a piano 42 Heinz varieties
5 blind mice (see how they run) 43 sides on a triangle
6 Degrees in a right angle 44 players in a soccer team
7 quarts in a gallon 45 cents in a dollar
8 Arabian nights 46 seconds in a minute
9 a bakers dozen 47 legs on a spider
10 hours in a day 48 cards in a suit
11 wheel on a unicycle 49 pence in a pre-decimal pound
12 wives of Henry the eighth 50 seconds for a knock out
13 days in a lunar month
14 Signs of the zodiac
15 balls in the national lottery
16 degrees Fahrenheit at which water freezes

Recycle your Christmas Cards

Christmas cards can be recycled in the Wrexham branches of WH Smith, Tesco, Marks and Spencer and T.K.Maxx from January 2nd to 31st, all organised by the Woodland Trust.


Thank you to the Corner Shop for being the Oracle drop-off point for contributions and adverts.


Happy January Birthdays to Dan Hunter, Sylvia Ogden, Micki Blair, Raymond Austin and Ronnie Foster

December Birthdays: Happy Belated 60th Birthday to Sue Glover and Happy Birthday to Carol Morrison.

Sincere condolences to family and friends of Mrs Fan Foulkes who passed away at the beginning of December.