Overton’s Free Newspaper - issued monthly to over 600 homes in Overton



The Editorial Team

Alan Edwards - David Burton - Ken Farrell - Lesley Pugh - Christine Stead

Our reporters cannot be everywhere.

If you have a story contact any team member or ring 01978 710422

He's behind you - oh no he isn't

Brilliant, absolutely fantastic, very professional, colourful, a wonderful performance. These were some of the comments made by those who were fortunate to get tickets for Overton's " Wok and Roll Pantomime" which took place on the 25th and 26th January in the Village Hall.

Includes Photograph


Snow brings Christmas fun

On the morning of the 28th December, Overton awoke to find 75 mm (3 inches) of snow had fallen during the night.

Includes Photograph


A Festival of Carols

Overton Methodist Church held a Festival of Carols on the 20th December, raising £165 for Hope House, Oswestry.

Churches from Farndon and Wrexham joined in a very well supported evening of Christmas Carols and readings. The chairman for the evening, Mr Tom Scott of Holt, gave many interesting snippets of information between items from the various churches. The evening was then rounded off with refreshments of sausage rolls, mince pies and teas.

Exchange visit at the planning stage

Overton's Twinning Association is now looking ahead to July, when it will be taking part in another exchange visit with its sister village in La Murette, France.


A lot of rubbish!

Following last month's article entitled "Where's our Civic pride", the Oracle received a letter from Mr D Owen, who lives at 4 Parkside, Overton. Mr Owen said:

"Although I entirely agree with your comments, I am sure the problem lies with the education of the younger element of the community. If you look at areas where young people gather together, it is there you will find the most litter. The three places I have in mind are the car park, the telephone box and the worst of all being the playing fields. After reading the article, Mr Reg Jones and I went to these areas and collected more than a wheelbarrow full of beer cans and bottles, some of the bottles had contained vodka.


Photo with the famous

This month we feature a young Tim Vincent with an even younger Peter Edwards (then aged 9) when Tim visited Overton some years ago as part of the BBC's Blue Peter team.

Includes Photograph


A Nursery class for your child

Will your child have his/her third birthday on or before 31st August 2001. If so, your child's education can begin in a nursery class/school from September 2001. Admission forms are now available from St Mary's Church Aided School, Overton, either from the Headteacher, Mrs P Clarke or from Mrs J Richards in the Early Years Department. If you wish you may also telephone the school on 01978 710370 or attend either of the two open sessions on the 6th February. The first session is between 9.30am and 10.30am and the second session is between 11.00am and 12.00am.

Library Opening Hours

Overton Library continues to provide an excellent facility for the community of Overton, including the ability to search for information through the world wide web. Opening hours are:

Monday 2pm to 5pm
Wednesday 2pm to 5pm
Friday 3pm to 7pm

A review of the Oracle - 1999

In January 1999, the Overton Oracle was launched to reflect life in and around Overton by inviting contributions covering all shades of opinion in the community. It was created to inform and report upon anything of public interest, unlike the Community Council's twice yearly Newsletter which dealt with a limited number of topics. By including photographs, readers' letters, advertisements, What's On and For Sale columns, it was hoped to make it a real village newspaper. We like to feel that we have achieved these aims.



What's the significance of the number and letters that can be found on the bridge about a mile from Overton in the Ellesmere direction. If the local historians have the answer, drop a line to the Oracle, and we'll run a short story. The letters are are:

The numbers on the keystone are 1883

Overton Community Council Reviews Meadow Plan

At the meeting of the Overton Community Council on the 9th January, a presentation was made by Arwel Griffith, a consultant landscape architect, upon a new scheme for the The Avenue, Wrexham Road. This follows the Community Council's desire to appoint both a new consultant and a reputable landscape contractor to oversee the work.

News In Brief



Dear Editor

Thanks for allowing me to use the "Oracle" as a medium to communicate with Overton Village residents.

The Overton Youth Advisory Committee has suffered some harsh words, criticism and negative comments recently, mainly about the Youth Discos.


Planning Applications
