Overton’s Free Newspaper - issued monthly to over 600 homes in Overton

December 2007


The Editorial Team

David Burton - Euan Stevenson - Sean Clarke - Jackie Maskall - Cynthia Davies - Maxine Palmer

Our reporters cannot be everywhere.


Christmas is a Time for Giving

We, the editorial team would like to use this opportunity to give many thanks and Christmas Greetings to our distributors, contributors and readers.

We would also like to send Christmas Greetings to all our readers, those who subscribe, those who have it forwarded by friends and those who read it on the Internet.

Please keep your contributions flowing in, without you there would not be an Oracle.

A happy and prosperous New Year to all.

Christmas Concert at St Mary’s

On Friday 14th December at 7.30pm in St Mary’s Church, a major Christmas event will be held. The world famous Rhos Orpheus Choir will be the stars of a Christmas concert. Sharing the bill will be tenor soloist Alf Gladman, organist Paul Whitaker and last, but by no means least, junior choirs from St Mary’s School, conducted by Mr. Dylan Williams, accompanied by Mrs. Sandra Jones.

There will also be the opportunity for the audience to join in the singing of a few Christmas carols.
It promises to be a really uplifting evening and one which will fill everyone with the Christmas spirit.

Tickets are £8, including a free glass of wine, and are available now from: June Owen (710944), Gwyn James (710736), Keith Overthrow (710544) and Linda Roberts (710504)

Ideas for £1,500.00 Prize?

As you are all aware, Overton won the Peoples and Business Awards and the Overall Award for the best village in North Wales in this year’s Calor Village of the Year Competition. The prize for winning these categories was £1,500.00 and The Community Council invite you all to suggest ways in which we can use this money.
We would like to buy something or spend this on some form of improvement for the village and all suggestions will be listed and voted upon at a later date. Suggestions can be passed to Katrina Chalk, either by telephone (710055) or by passing a note into the Village Hall anytime.
This is YOUR money, YOU won it and we would like YOU to choose how you would like to spend it.

Ramblings From the Rectory
by David Lewis

Dear friends,

There are many Christmas customs handed down through families which all add to the magic of Christmas.
One Vicar told of this custom in a parish magazine from January 26th 1887:

‘I remember being told by an octogenarian, latterly deceased of the observance of a peculiar Christmas Custom-the only example which has come under my notice. When young she was engaged as a domestic servant at a farmhouse in the parish of Bettws-Cedewen. On getting up one Christmas morning she found the breakfast table already laid in a sumptuous manner, an unusual occurrence. When her master and mistress came down, she applied to them for an explanation, and was informed that it was done to give welcome to Joseph and Mary to the house.’

I find that little custom very touching and it reminds us in our busy hectic world of the real reason for Christmas. That God came to earth in the form of a human baby to show us his love and to light up our lives with his joy.

There is a poem by Heather Johnston called ‘The Gift’:
Mary came riding,
Riding on a donkey
Riding to Bethlehem,
Carrying God’s gift to the world.

Joseph came walking,
Walking by Mary
Walking to Bethlehem,
Carrying God’s gift to the world.

Shepherds came running,
Running in obedience,
Running to Bethlehem,
Worshipping God’s gift to the world.

Wise men came travelling,
Seeking, following
The bright star to Bethlehem,
Finding God’s gift to the world.

Will you come riding?
Walking or running?
Will you come seeking?
Following, finding?
Will you?

That couple over a hundred years ago made space at their table for Mary Joseph and Jesus. This Christmas will we make space in our hearts and our lives.
Have a very Happy Christmas
Your friend and Rector

by Constable Luke Hughes, Community Beat Manager

Walking at night.
As the clocks go back and the nights draw in, everyone is more vulnerable as you are less visible to motorists. We need to wear something bright and take extra care when out and about near roads.
The key messages are:
• Make sure you can be easily seen at all times, but especially at night, on dark days and in bad weather.
• Bright or fluorescent clothes show up best by day, especially in dull or misty weather.
• By night, reflective material is best and shows up in car headlights – fluorescent clothing doesn’t work after dark. Reflective tape can be put on clothing, school bags and equipment.
• Cross the road at the safest place possible. e.g. zebra, pelican, puffin and patrolled crossings.
• If you are out at night, choose routes that are well lit by streetlights and cross at well-lit places.
Cycling at night.
The advice given to pedestrians about being seen applies equally to cyclists. In addition, bikes need to be equipped with good lights. It is an offence to cycle at night without a white front light, a red back light and a red reflector at the back.
Driving at night.
Ninety percent of a driver’s reaction depends on vision, and vision is severely limited at night.
The key messages are:
• Make sure all lights are clean, working and adjusted properly.
• Make sure the windscreen is clean inside and out.
• Use headlights whenever visibility is reduced – for example, early morning, at dusk, when it’s raining or in any gloomy conditions. It’ll help others to see you.
• Increase your following distance so you don’t blind the driver ahead of you.
• Don’t dazzle others with your main beam.
• Reduce your speed. You should be able to stop within the distance you can see.
• If your vehicle breaks down, pull off the road as far as possible and switch on the
hazard warning lights.

We have two fantastic Special Constables that work in our own area, Dean and Maria Hewitt work from Overton Police Station attending a number of incidents; often on a weekly basis at short notice, without them we would be lost and I am frequently impressed with their devotion to duty and commitment.


Hi Everyone! Merry Christmas!
Hope you have a magical Christmas and get loadz of presents!
I also want to wish a very Happy Birthday to our Agony Aunt, happy 15th birthday Cath!!!!

Over a hundred students have been involved in The Maelor School’s show Oliver. It was a sell out show thanks to the fantastic performances from actors, musicians and back stage crew.
Long rehearsals ensured a brilliant show. The Overtinions were involved and would like to thank all the staff concerned. If you came to see it, write and let us know what you thought.

Dafydd Kember as Bill Sykes, Christian Dickenson as Mr Bumble, Jac Freeburn as Fagin

Rebecca’s celebrity of the month
This column is dedicated to the celebrity in my opinion that has been in the news for either a remarkable achievement or hardship.
This month is Howard Donald (Take That) poor Howard has been in hospital after suffering from a collapsed lung! He has recently come out to join the boys back on tour but is not allowed to sing! Get well soon! Xxx

Celebrity December Birthday’s
Adam Brody December 15th 1979 The OC
Roxanne Pallett December 26th 1983 Emmerdale

Amazing Facts
About 10% of the worlds population are left handed
You blink over 10,000,000 times a year
Venus is the only planet in our solar system, which rotates clockwise!
Almost is the longest word in the English Language with all the letters in alphabetical order.

My first is in COMIC but not in BOOK,
My second’s in CAPTAIN but not in HOOK,
My third is in SUPER but not in MAN,
My fourth is in PETER but not in PAN,
My fifth’s not in MICKEY but is in MOUSE
My sixth is in HECTOR’S and also in HOUSE,
My last’s not in BUGS but is in BUNNY,
My whole is something you might find funny.

Ethos for All
by Joanne Kember

As a community councillor I have had the privilege over the last few years of being a governor of St Mary’s School. I had not realised despite having had children attend the school, just how the governors the head teacher and teachers are constantly reviewing the development of the school, teaching practise, pupils assessments and needs.
One important feature of this review is to look at and adapt if necessary the school ethos, and this is done in consultation with the rector, as the school is church aided. I didn’t even know that schools had an ethos!
On reading the recently reviewed ethos I thought it contained many attitudes, which might interest the wider community as an indication of how the school is trying to guide our youngsters. I can’t help thinking how we are all too prone to condemn the young people in the village when in fact many will offer their time and help for a good cause, as exemplified by the large number of young adults, teenagers, and children who gave of their time to make the village party a success.
The document is too long to quote in full in this publication, so I’ve tried to pick out some of the ‘pertinent’ bits:

The school aims to serve the community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practise. - - - - -We value all pupils equally, but we also value their right to be different and to excel in different ways. We respect pupils regardless of gender, colour or creed. Staff aim to assist children in developing their true potential and believing in their own worth. Pupils will be encouraged to take responsibility for their own actions and to reflect on how these actions affect others.
We aim to encourage pupils to develop lively and inquiring minds
• To question and argue rationally
• To use language effectively and imaginatively
• To provide a basis of mathematics, science, technical, artistic knowledge
• To have an understanding of the world in which they live
• To have an understanding of human achievement
• To respect moral values and other people

Perhaps if society as a whole, whether old or young, could develop an ethos for living with some of these points in mind, whatever their creed or beliefs, the world would be a much better place.

What Does the Calor Award Mean to Overton
by Sue Glover

On reflection:
It has increased Participation — in a joint event
It has encouraged Partnership — bringing together different sectors in the community
It has highlighted natural Resources — in the form of volunteers and that precious thing called TIME
It has quantified the element of Support — to local enterprise, whether private, statutory or voluntary
It has reinforced a Focus — a common goal – OUR COMMUNITY and all the people who live in it
It has been an opportunity to Show Case — our local: talent, achievements, business’s and aspirations
It has attracted Media Coverage — this may attract local investment and had given kudos to the community by putting OVERTON-ON-DEE firmly on the map.

Where Is Jesus?

It occurred to the Sunday School teacher, that with all the emphasis on the Nativity over Christmas that some children may get the impression that the birth of Jesus Christ was a recent event. He wanted to be sure they understood that he grew up and did many things. So he decided that the topic of the lesson would be Where Is Jesus Now?
He put this question to the class and immediately many hands shot into the air as many of the children were keen to state their opinion.
"What do you think Johnny?"
"He's in the church, sir." Johnny replied.
"Okay. What about you Rosie?"
"I believe he's in Heaven, sir"
"That's good. What about you Billy?"
Billy was a little hesitant, then blurted out "I think he's in our
bathroom sir."
The classroom erupted with uproarious laughter; but eventually the teacher managed to quell the noise.
"Oh really." said the teacher. "What makes you think that Billy?"
"Well sir, some mornings my dad knocks on the bathroom door and says 'Jesus Christ, are you still in there?'

Thank You to :

A big thank you to Mick Pinder of the Corner Shop for helping the teenagers who are raising money for their trip to Botswana and Zambia for helping them get supplies of soft drinks to sell at the Calor party at St Mary’s school and Penley Maelor’s production of Oliver.

View from the Village Vets

With Christmas rapidly approaching it is now two years since we opened our branch practice in Overton and we would like to thank everyone for their custom during the year. As some of you will know we carry out work on behalf of the Peoples Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA). This charity has a Petaid Scheme whereby anyone in receipt of benefits such as Council Tax or Rent Rebate can apply for a certificate entitling them to free veterinary treatment for a nominated pet. If anyone would like further details please call at the practice for a leaflet or log on to the website at www.pdsa.org.uk

The charity produces a large number of very informative leaflets and posters on a range of pet related subjects. Their latest features the top ten tips for pets over Christmas and some of them deserve a mention:
• Never buy a pet as a Christmas present.
• Beware of over-indulging your pet with festive food—chocolate for example is poisonous to dogs, rats and hamsters.
• Don’t overfeed your pet over Christmas and don’t exercise straight after a large meal.
• Make sure that the Christmas tree is safe and stable and that lights and small toys are not left for dogs to chew or swallow.
For those jetting off to the sunshine for the festive period or visiting relatives abroad, I hope that you have already made arrangements for kennels or cattery as these tend to become very full over the Christmas period. Remember to check that your pet’s vaccinations are up to date and in the case of dogs that they have had a recent kennel cough booster.
May I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy and Healthy New Year.
Mark Spurdens, Maelor Vet Centre. 01978 711975

Opening Hours over the Christmas and New Year period

  22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31th 1st 2nd
Howard Jones
6-4 8-4 6-4 Closed Closed As
Closed 7-4 Closed As
John Davies
No Deliveries As
No Deliveries As
Maelor Vet Centre Closed Closed 1-3 Closed Closed 1-3
1-3 Closed Closed 1-3 Closed 1-3
Overton Fish & Chip Shop As Usual Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed
Overton Rec Club 2-11 As Ususal 7-12 12-3 12-11 As Ususal As Ususal As Ususal As Ususal 7-2am As Ususal As Ususal
Rowlands Pharmacy 9-1 Closed 9-6 Closed Closed As Ususal As Ususal As Ususal Closed 9-6 Closed As Ususal
Select & Save (Watson's) 8-8 8-8 7-8 Closed 9-1 8-6 8-6 8-6 8-6 8-6 9-1 7-7
The Corner Shop 6-8 7-8 6-6 Closed 8-4 6-6 6-8 6-8 7-6 6-4 8-1 6-8
The Surgery Closed Closed As Usual Closed Closed As Ususal As Ususal Closed Closed As Usual CLosed As Usual
The Trotting Mare Garage As Usual Closed 8-12 Closed Closed As Usual As Usual As Usual Closed 8-4 Closed As Usual
Vojan Indian Restaurant 5-10.30 5-10.30 5-10.30 Closed 5-10.30 5-10.30 5-10.30 5-10.30 5-10.30 5-10.30 5-10.30 5-10.30

Refreshment Time!

Put your feet up for ten minutes with our Christmas Quizzes
These are all alternative titles for Christmas songs, mainly carols, can you work out the better known title?
1. Quadruped with crimson proboscis
2. 5 p.m. to 6 a.m. without noise
3. Miniscule hamlet in the far east
4. Ancient benevolent despot
5. Adorn the vestibule
6. Exuberance directed to the planet
7. Listen, aerial spirits harmonizing
8. Monarchical trio
9. Yonder in the haystack
10. Assemble, everyone who believes
11. Hallowed post meridian
12. Fantasies of a colourless December 25th
13. Tin tintinnabulums
14. A dozen 24-hour Yule periods
15. Befell during the transparent bewitching hour
16. Homo Sapien of crystallized vapour
17. I merely desire a pair of incisors
18. I spied my maternal parent osculating a fat man in red
19. Perambulating through a December solstice fantasy
20. Aloft on the acme of the abode


We have had a very good response to the ‘Flu’ Campaign this year with over 800 injections given to date but there are still some of you out there who need to be seen to! Anyone over 65 is entitled to their Flu Jab and can also have the ‘one-off’ pneumococcal injection. Please ask at reception or ring in for an appointment whilst we still have the vaccines in the surgery.
Zarah Paris, a 5th year medical student from Cardiff started with us on 29th October and will be here for 6 weeks. You will be asked during certain surgeries if you mind the student sitting in with the doctor to gain experience.
Could we ask you as patients, on our behalf, to be vigilant about any Health & Safety concerns you may have when using the surgery. These could be exterior problems like tripping hazards, or interior damaged equipment, anything that might make you feel concerned. Should there be anything which you think warrants being looked into please make a member of staff aware.
The ‘Disabled’ parking bays in the front car park have been re-vamped to make them more noticeable. Can we please remind patients that these are there for the use of those who are less able, please respect this and leave them vacant. There is the large car park to the rear, with access through the gate and round the building if the front car park is rather congested.
We have not had any new recruits lately to our Online Access programme, whereby you can book your appointments on line. If anyone is interested we have all the information at reception and the whole process is quite easy. Those who have joined seem to find it simple to use and we will hopefully, in the future be able to extend to ordering your repeat prescriptions also.
The next meeting of the Practice Patient Participation Group is Monday 21st January at 6.00pm.

All Change at Overton Recreational Club
by Sean Clarke

Readers may recall that Brian Hamlington chaired the club for the last twenty years until he voluntarily stepped down in August of this year. The recruitment process resembled that of a papal election and when the smoke signals settled, whilst on holiday, Pete Grindley found himself in the novel position of becoming Club Chairman.

After chairing his first committee meeting the collective decision was to maintain the club as is and since then the group has decided to start a full refurbishment, review the membership figures and think of ways expanding this (the club currently has 400). There is a need to establish a male Darts Team, a Snooker team and the members aim to invite participants.

Shane Prince (who was subject to an earlier very positive Oracle review) appeared in November and the Christmas knock-outs are underway. These involve prizes for winners in Darts, Snooker, Dominoes, Billiards, Chess, and Pool. Vegetarians will be pleased to learn that the old practice of presenting the winners with Turkeys has been discontinued! The club is open Christmas Evening, 7-12pm Christmas Day and all day Boxing Day with a live band in the evening.

The club remains a not for profit organisation and is keen to maintain its minimal pricing policy. It hopes to offer at least 15% on average less per drink in comparison with the big chains.

Pete admits that his new position is challenging but has found the committee very supportive “everyone wants to make the club better for its members and we want to welcome new members as well as our old friends. The change in décor will refresh the place and give us a light and airy feel which should improve the atmosphere and make the place more inviting.” Speaking from experience, I have found the beer cheap, the entertainment varied and the company great……

Pete Grindley

The Maelor School 1957/8 - 2007/8
50th Anniversary Celebration Open Evening 9th November 2007
by Mrs Corinne Forbes-Evans

The Headteacher Mr E. Hall welcomed invited guests to the open evening during which the Maelor Community Tapestry was presented to the school. In 2004 Mrs Blanche Bird, a School Governor, proposed the working of a tapestry to celebrate the anniversary. The idea came from the Millennium Tapestry worked by the villagers of Tilston, Cheshire. The guests applauded the many stitchers present as a token of appreciation of all their efforts.

Prior to, and during, the presentation programme students of the school entertained with musical items.
In his address Lord Kenyon referred to the dedication of the school by his grandmother the Late Dowager Lady Kenyon and also his pleasure at taking part in the presentation. The school began with around 200 pupils and now has almost 800 (including the sixth form). It has attained good academic success and continues to maintain this to the present day.

Presentations were made to Marjorie Lingard, Sheila Hooper and Wendy Crutchley (Tilston) in appreciation of their help and guidance during the early stages to Mrs Blanche Bird in acknowledgement of her vision and dedication and finally to Mrs Corinne Forbes-Evans for her work as co-ordinator.

The Mayor of Wrexham, Councillor Mrs Joan Lowe and Lord Kenyon, Chairman of the Board of Governors, unveiled the tapestry. A gratifying murmur of approval ran around the hall when the spotlights highlighted the brilliant colours of the completed panel. The presentation closed with the singing of the Welsh National Anthem led by a past pupil—Mrs Jane Bebbington.

The school was open the following day to enable the general public to view the tapestry. Throughout the day there was a steady stream of suitably impressed visitors. Many comments and compliments regarding the :- colours, wealth and clarity of details, precision, size etc……..All volunteers felt a pride in working as a community to provide a lasting tribute to our local school.

A Resounding Success

The White Horse and Overton Play Centre would like to thank all those who took part in the General Knowledge Quiz on Thursday 8th November.
The quiz started at 9.00pm and The Quiz Master produced a range of questions to suit everybody’s capabilities. Everyone enjoyed the evening which had draw prizes and quality refreshments provided by the White Horse.
A significant donation was made to The Overton Play Centre and the quiz was won by The Overton Occasionals, who will be the “Quiz Masters” in the forthcoming “Quiz Night” on 22nd November at the White Horse Inn.
Hats off to everyone involved and hopefully we shall see plenty of fresh faces at the next event.
Everyone is welcome!

Your Letters

Dear Editor,
I wonder if you could tell me where Canister Hall is (or was) in Overton, please, and any related info. about the Hall. My ancestors were living at Lightwood Green, Overton in the 1830’s and Canister Hall was the address given on one of their children’s baptismal records. I wondered whether it was also the place of work of my 3x great grandfather, who was an agricultural labourer.
Thank you. Ann
Dear Editor,
I have just been reading this months issue of the Overton Oracle, and I was very disappointed to read that you did not mention Mr Patrick Loughlin, who has been working very hard around the village making it look wonderful.
Many thanks. Name and address supplied.

Dear Editor,
I just thought it sad to see we no longer have the environmental article in the Oracle, it seems to have disappeared suddenly. I and others I know locally found it very interesting and of course topical in the times we now live. We found it informative and relevant to our local council pleas to recycle all we possible can. Personally I thought it brought a breath of “fresh –air” interest to your readers, judging from the comments I have indirectly received.
Hope the majority agree that the environmental article will be given space to return soon and continue to champion awareness of local, national and global concerns.
Looking forward to many more interesting Oracle issues in the coming months.
To the contributors/organisers. Yours admiringly. E Williams. Avid local reader.
(With three ex local avid readers! - still receiving copies via e-mail! Even though in far-off lands.

We are very fortunate with the amount of articles we receive for the Oracle. Unfortunately, we often do not have room for everything received. The editorial team took the decision not to print any more environmental articles due to lack of space and the fact that the information given can be found in daily newspapers and dedicated publications and are not Overton based. We also feel that this is Government related information that is often delivered to your home.

Trench Farm

Overton Community Council feel that they have gone as far as they are able, in dealing with the noise problem from this site. If anyone wishes to complain about noise level please write to the Environmental Health Officer at the following address with a copy to our Community Council’s Clerk at the Village Hall.
Mrs Zoe Buggie, Environmental Health Officer
Environmental Protection Section,
Public Protection Department, Wrexham County Borough Council,
Crown Buildings, Chester Street, Wrexham LL13 8ZE.

Oh! I Say!

“You know you're getting old, when Santa starts looking younger.” Robert Paul
“Even before Christmas has said Hello, it's saying 'Buy Buy'“ Robert Paul

“I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, toys not included.” Bernard Manning

Fantastic Fungi

Len Berry of Salop Road got a bit of a shock when he looked out of his window to find an amazing growth of fungi in his front garden. He has no idea where the fungal structure came from. He hadn’t planted anything there and had never seen anything like it before – magic mushrooms indeed!

Overton Play Centre
by Andrea Buttress

Hello, I am the new chairman of the Overton Play Centre and if you are new to the area, as I am, or are not quite sure of the services we provide, I thought it may be helpful to list them below. Our members of staff are dedicated professionals with up to date qualifications who provide a stimulating and interesting day for the children in their care.
We provide:
• Care for children from two and a half years old to pre-school age.
• Care from Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm in three separate sessions. These can be booked separately or as a block for the day.
• Costs: Morning from 9am to 11.45am-£5.00, Lunchtime from 11.45 am to 1pm - £3.00, Afternoon from 1pm to 3pm - £4.00. Full days are £14.00. Included in this is a snack in the morning and afternoon, but, if your child is staying over the lunchtime period then a packed lunch needs to be provided.
• FREE PLACES FOR CHILDREN WHO TURN 3 : Children who turn 3 between 1.9.07 and 31.12.07 can access a funded place at our Centre from January 2008 for two terms for free. For children who are 3 between 1.1.08 and 31.3,08, a place can be accessed from April for one term.
• A family session is held every Tuesday morning from 9am to 11am. Come and meet others for a morning of chat and relaxation, with refreshments provided whilst your child plays with others in a friendly environment. The cost for this is £1.50.
• Hiring of the hall for you children’s party or family event can be arranged by prior agreement.
We are a parent led group hoping to raise money for the centre in new and exciting ways in the coming months and years. The Centre is kept going exclusively from the money our fund raising events make, so we always rely on your support to make these a success and to keep this important facility open. We are also ready to listen to any suggestions you may have for helping us improve our service. Should you have any queries regarding any of the above points, then please do hesitate to call me on 710246 or Margaret at the centre on 710688. Any offers of help in aiding us raise much needed cash would also be greatly appreciated.
I look forward to meeting many new people in the coming months, while working hard to continue the success of the Centre, making many new friends on the way.

Youth Club News

Hi all just to remind you that we have shortened the opening hours during the winter from 7.00 to 8.30, and if there are not many in we may go to Helens’ and use the computer as we are researching the crisis in Darfur. If the 2-4 million displaced people, 200,000 murdered and 70 children a day dying under the age of 5 has escaped from your memory, then here’s a little reminder. There has been a "Rock for Darfur" myspace raising awareness weekend world wide a couple of weeks ago, but seemed to escape us here, so watch this space and our youth club may help organise a Rock for Darfur nearer to home- (Yes we would welcome help!)
We have planned a Christmas trip for Tuesday 4th December- 10 pin bowling- free for members! - Of course if there are any adults up for the challenge we would welcome them :)
Youth Club will be closed after 18th Dec until 29th Jan. New members always welcome, as is support from adults but the young people are not too keen on their own parents coming! Take care and hope to see you soon).

Rumour Has it……..
By Avu Heard

Overton, allegedly, has the most empty bottles in the refuse/recycling bins than any other village in the Wrexham area. At this rate we will need two recycling lorries over the Christmas and New Year period!

Did You Know?

Latvians believe that Father Christmas brings presents on each of the 12 days of Christmas starting on Christmas Eve. Usually the presents are put under the family Christmas tree.


Congratulations to:
Dr Charlotte Jones on the birth of Alice Ellin, 6lb 8oz, born 15th November, Janene Davies on gaining her BA in Primary Education. Well done, love dad and Cynthia and congratulations from mum and Dan.
Sylvia and Floyd Ogden on their Golden Wedding Anniversary last month.

Happy 12th birthday to Dani Jones.On the 25th Happy birthday to Iris Edwards, and Happy 65th to Howard Jones
Happy birthdays to Jenny Maskall and Walter Roberts. Belated birthday wishes to Phil Humphries

Gwynneth Austin would like to wish all family and friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, as she is sending a donation to charity rather than buy Christmas cards.