Overton’s Free Newspaper - issued monthly to over 600 homes in Overton

December 2001


The Editorial Team

Alan Edwards - David Burton - Ken Farrell - Lesley Pugh - Christine Stead

Our reporters cannot be everywhere.

If you have a story contact any team member or ring 01978 710422
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our readers

Community Policeman takes up residence

P.C. Pat Burns has taken up his duties from PC Wycherley as the new Community Beat Manager for Overton and district. Based at Overton Police Station, he will be policing the vast rural area known as The Maelor, which stretches from Cross Lanes near Marchwiel to Redbrook Maelor near Whitchurch.

Includes Photograph

Community Chest Grants issued

The Community Council has offered a grant of £186 to assist with an environmental and wildlife garden project being carried out by the Overton Playgroup. A grant of £212 was also made to Overton Primary School to assist with the purchase of school strips for both the football and netball teams.

An application by St Mary's Church PCC for financial assistance towards the costs of maintaining the grass in the churchyard on an ongoing basis was refused.

Feeling stressed out? - then try Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage is a simple, yet effective therapy which involves gentle but firm massage techniques being applied to the neck, shoulders, upper back, upper arms, head and face. It is performed over clothing and lasts for about half an hour.

Includes Photograph

Community Council seeks call-in of Incinerator plan.

Overton Community Council has written to Sue Essex, the National Assembly's Minister for Environment to "call-in" the application by HFC to erect a Recycling Plant and Incinerator at Wrexham Industrial Estate, and to hold a public inquiry into the plan.

Having heard representations, the Council felt that the planning and environmental issues concerning the proposal have a wider than local impact which could only be debated fairly at a public inquiry. It is understood the application will be dealt with by Wrexham Council in February if it has not by then been referred to the National Assembly.

Francs for the memory!

Preparations are under way for the biggest single logistical operation ever undertaken in peacetime Europe. On January 1 2002, Euro notes and coins come into circulation in Austria, Belgium, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain, but not Britain.

If you have any currency notes from these countries left over from your holiday, banks in this country will only exchange these until February 28th, but they are unlikely to accept coins. However, some charities have set up links with the big banks so coins can be handed in as donations.

Ed: Do you get the feeling we are being left behind.?
Web Ed: No


  • Congratulations to Kath and Mike Dorey on the birth of their son Thomas who was born on the 16th October. Best wishes from all the family.
  • Congratulations to Julie and Richard Done of Asney Lane, Erbistock, on the birth of their daughter Charlotte who was born on Tuesday the 30th October.

Ed: If you have, or know of anyone who has celebrated a special event, please contact any member of the editorial team.


Dear sir,

I wish to respond to the letter from Mr Jones of Ruabon Raceway which appeared in your November edition.

Mr Jones's enterprise must be a couple of miles from my house as the crow flies and yet I can hear the tannoy announcements and the roar of engines loud and clear. The noise is still distinct when I am inside my house. The disturbance to my Sundays is far more pervasive and annoying than the sounds of any lawnmower.


Dear Sirs,

The assumption by Mr Jones of Ruabon Raceway that a barbeque must automatically be a raucous occasion, has given rise to much comment and amusement amongst friends and acquaintances. They, like us, can see no reason why any meal taken outdoors should be conducted with less civility than a meal eaten in the dining room, indoors. However, it does serve to graphically illustrate that, to Mr Jones, entertainment must be intrusively noisy.



  • Hugh and Kath Price Jones would like to thank all those who made donations in lieu of presents at their recent celebratory Golden Wedding Dinner at the Wynnstay Hotel Ruabon. Over £1,000 was collected which has now been donated to Broad Green Hospital, Liverpool.
  • During the last financial year, Overton and District Cytun made donations of £25 to Christian Aid's Christmas Appeal, £50 to the Indian Earthquake Appeal, £73.50 to Christian Aid, and £26.60 to Cafod. These payments were drawn from subscriptions, donations to its funds and a collection of £26.60 from the Whit Walk.
  • Sandra Jones and Dylan Rhys Williams at St Mary's School are again preparing the entertainment to be given by the schoolchildren, which was so much appreciated last year, at the Senior Citizens' Christmas Party on Tuesday 4th December at 3.30pm in the Village Hall.
  • 16 Actors are needed for a Mystery Play in Overton Parish Church around Easter 2002. If anyone is interested in taking part, they should contact James Glover on 01978 710413 as soon as possible. Rehearsals start in the New Year

FIREWORKS By Jenny England (aged 8)

Scorching, Squealing Sparks go by,
they all explode before my eye.
Twizzling, whizzling, Catherine Wheels,
Children play in the dark,
the only light is from the Sparklers Spark.

Boiling flames,
reach up to the sky.
Everybody watched,
as the smoke went by.

The screeching noise,
whooshes into the night.
The crowd all cheers,
as it colours with light.


In the last issue, under the heading "List of Clubs and Organisations", we inadvertently mis-typed the correct day upon which the Overton W.I. holds their meetings. This should have read, "meets every third Thursday of the month" (not Tuesday), except December when the meeting is held on the second Thursday of the month.

Our sincere apologies for any confusion. Ed. Letters to the Editor