Overton’s Free Newspaper - issued monthly to over 600 homes in Overton

APRIL 2001


The Editorial Team

Alan Edwards - David Burton - Ken Farrell - Lesley Pugh - Christine Stead

Our reporters cannot be everywhere.

If you have a story contact any team member or ring 01978 710422

Foot and Mouth disease hits U.K.

Experts warn that the Foot and Mouth disease is continuing to spiral out of control with 700 cases being confirmed since the outbreak in February. Over 720,000 animals have been authorised for slaughter, and 257,000 are waiting to be culled.

Foot and Mouth Disease is a virus spread by direct contact or indirect contact with affected animals, movement of animals, people, vehicles, etc.  Airborne spread takes place readily over considerable distances.  Foot and Mouth Disease can be destroyed by heat, low humidity or certain disinfectants, but may remain active for a varying time in a suitable medium such as a frozen or chilled infected carcass or contaminated objects.  Meat from the carcass of animals infected at the time of slaughter can also transmit the virus, and past outbreaks have been linked with the importation of infected meats and products. The Food Standards Agency has advised there are no implications for the human food chain.

So far, Overton has remained free of the disease, but the restriction on the movement of animals and access to agricultural land is causing serious hardship to local farmers.

Includes Photograph


Local Pharmacist retires

Bill Dickenson, our local pharmacist for 22 years, retired at the end of March. 

We would like to take this opportunity on behalf of everyone in the community of Overton to wish him and his wife Edna, a full and happy retirement.


In October 2001, Jan Tinsley, whose father Gerry Owen lives in Plas Madoc, Overton, is planning to cycle 260 miles along the Grand Canyon, with the aim of   raising as much money as possible for the dental charity, Dentaid.

Includes Photograph


Pantomime Video Film Now On Sale

A video film of the recent Pantomime, Aladdin, is now on sale.  Put together by Mervyn Haynes, it captures the true atmosphere of this great performance.  It has been skilfully created from several different camera positions, which not only gives added interest but is a joy to watch. A real keepsake.

The film can be purchased from Mervyn Haynes at a cost of £8.50, which is great value for money.  He can be contacted on 01978 710740.

Mervyn said: “Could I remind those who ordered copies of the pantomime photographs that they are now ready for collection”

Why are some people buried facing north?

We asked in the last Oracle whether anyone could solve the mystery of the writing on the parapet of the bridge at Queensbridge.  This proved to be a real puzzle as nobody responded with any plausible explanation.

This month we have another puzzle for you, this time provided by Mr D.F. (Paddy) Moraghan.  Here is an extract from his letter.

“I watched a TV programme the other day on the mystery of why the incumbent of Warwick Castle was buried in the nearby Church, with his tomb facing North - it was suggested that he had brought shame on his family, but no other explanation was put forward.

It set me wondering why the people who are buried in the little Peel Cemetery are also buried facing North - with the exception of Colonel Clelland of the Royal Dublin Fusiliers, who is buried correctly facing East. I was under the impression that all Christians were buried facing East, although a priest could be buried facing his flock, i.e. the West.

Also, this is a two-tier cemetery, the gentry on the upper deck, their servants down below. It would appear that even in death there seems to be a class system - I wonder why?”

ED:  There may be simple explanation – does anyone know it?  Please let us know if you have an answer.

Photo with the famous

This month we feature a young Jim Phillips (centre) at a pre-season cricket match at Oswestry in 1970  between Shropshire and Worcestershire.

Includes Photograph



We extend our sincere congratulations to ‘Paddy’ (Desmond Francis) and Marjorie Moraghan who celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary on the 24th March. They were married in Spilsby, Lincolnshire on Easter Saturday 1951, where they met three years previously and where she was nursing and he was in charge of the local PoW Camp. They have four children and eight grandchildren.  Marjorie was elected to the Community Council in 1974, was awarded the Queens Jubilee medal in 1977, served 15 years as a governor of the Maelor School, Penley, and recently retired as a Justice of the Peace after 20 years service.

Congratulations also to Jo and Graham of 3 Springfield Park on the birth of their daughter, Kate Emily, on 17th March 2001.

A Message From The Surgery

The method by which repeat prescriptions can be ordered will be changed as from 1st May. After that date all prescription requests will need to be made in writing. Request slips attached to the repeat prescription can be used for this and can be posted or left in a box provided at both Overton and Bangor surgeries. 

Requests received with a SAE will be posted the day after it is received. If you wish to collect your script from the surgery, or if you intend to collect your medication from the chemist, please allow 48 hours from the time the surgery receives your request.

Community Council adopts Meadow Plan

Overton Community Council has adopted the Master Plan for the Avenue following a review of the comments received from the public. Copies of the draft Plan were included in the February issue of the Oracle. Arwel Griffith, consultant landscape architect said: “The response rate was 7.3% which, for an exercise of this kind, was very good.  Normally it is in the region of 2-3%”


Swinging Time Ahead

Plans are in hand to replace the junior swings at the Wrexham Road playingfield in the next few months with a two bay timber version to complement the rest of the play equipment. 

In addition, a five a-side pitch is to be marked out following a presentation to the Community Council by Andrew Walker of  School Mews on behalf of his keen ‘footballing’ friends.  This will be located between the Boules pitch and the Agility Track, and will effectively run parallel to Wrexham Road.

To accommodate the pitch the Community Council has agreed to remove the senior swings, now over 30 years old and at the end of their useful life.  The Community Council is also considering the use of safety bark beneath the aerial ropeway.

SHHH...….new ‘quiet area’ at Overton Playgroup

Following a Social Services inspection, Overton Playgroup was advised that if it was to be approved as suitable to provide full day care, then a rest/quiet area, separate from the main room would be required.


White Horse raises £640 for comic relief

The landlord, his family, and customers of the White Horse helped to raise £640 for Comic Relief, contributing to this year’s record of £24 million.   Several events were organised, including street collections both in Salop Road and the High Street.

Includes Photograph


Overton Twinning Association

Twinning Exchange to La Murette


21st July – 28th July 2001

If you are interested in learning about France or the French way of life, then join a small group on this years exchange to La Murette. Further details may be obtained from Dilys Parkinson (01978 710376) or Alan Edwards (01978 710422)


New Style of Policing for North Wales

A new style of policing in North Wales is being proposed by the new Chief Constable, Richard Brunstrom.  This is set out in his report, ‘A Policing Style for the 21st Century’, which contains details of the proposed changes to the style of policing and the technology to make it work.

Mr Brunstrom said: “One of our principle aims is to deal with the needs of individual communities, and letting the public know that our help is never far from hand. The public want to see ‘bobbies on the beat’ and that is what we will deliver. A significant addition of approximately 120 officers will be recruited into our Force over the next three years.”

An addendum to the report indicates a secure future for Overton Police Station, and proposes two locally based Community Beat Officers. These will be supported by Area Car Teams trained in safer driving techniques, one of which is to be set up in Ruabon.

Wrestling with a new venue

Balvinder Matharu, landlord of the White Horse and Olympic Wrestling Coach has set up an Olympic Wrestling class of 10 keen youngsters at Plas Madoc Leisure Centre.  The class is held on Tuesday evenings between 5.30 pm and 6.30 pm.  Bal said: “If anyone from Overton is interested in joining the class I would be happy to pick them up and bring them back.”   Why not give him a call on 01978 710111.



News In Brief

  • Overton W.I wishes to thank all those who helped to make the recent Coffee Morning/Mini-Market a success, either by manning a stall, donating goods, being a paying member of the public or working behind the scenes (i.e. the kitchen)
  • It with deep regret we announce that Edward Maurice Jones and Kathleen Mary Sadowski, have passed away. Our sincere condolences are extended  to their families and relatives.
  • We would both like to congratulate my Auntie Deb and uncle Mike and Daniella on the birth of their son/brother Michael who was born on the 6th March.  Thanks for a new cousin. Love Lauren and William Evans
  • The swimming pool and changing rooms at the Maelor School re-opened to the public on Monday 5th March. It is open at various times each weekday for different sessions. For more details contact the Pool manager or Belinda Owen at the Maelor School on 01948 830291.


Dear Editor,

As a parent whose daughter has attended several Overton Youth Discos I am writing to give my wholehearted support to the sentiments expressed in the letter from Sue Glover (Oracle February 2001).

The village and immediate surrounds are a community, which suggests that the people in the area are reliant upon each other for support. Children’s needs are not adult’s needs. Teenagers need to be able to experience some level of freedom to gradually become more independent. Where is my daughter supposed to get that first taste of freedom from being escorted everywhere? Certainly not left to wander the streets of the village or worse still the centre of Wrexham on a Friday evening.


Dear Editor,

I would like to thank Alan Edwards and Ken Farrell on behalf of all the dog owners in Overton for getting the Avenue re-opened.

Let’s hope that now that we have somewhere to walk and exercise our dogs people will respect the closure of all the footpaths due to the Foot and Mouth crisis.

Mrs L. Edge,
