Text Box: 7



Junior Disco….. There will be one in February. See below an image of the last Disco of 2004, much fun is being had by all!


Dear Editor

With reference to the comments made by your review team under the heading “Gaslight” and printed in the December edition of the Oracle.


 As Chairman of the “The Club” I fully agree that a lack of liaison between the two parties was the main cause of the noise problems. This is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened and I can understand how people get upset about it.  After all the hard work that goes into these projects for it to be disrupted, as this was, is not doing any one any good.


 On behalf of the committee I would like to apologise for any disruption caused on the night but I can’t apologise for the fact that we had Entertainment. We run “The Club” for the benefit of the people of Overton 365 days of the year, we have Entertainment once every month maximum. We generally book artists 2/3 months in advance, if any organisation gives us notice we can, and will, wherever possible, work around any date. But we have to know about it in advance!!!


 In the case of the Overton Amateur Dramatic Society if they give us plenty of notice of their forthcoming productions it is unlikely the problem will occur again.


 On a lighter note (and totally tongue in cheek). I did ask a member of your team if he could get a few lines in about our problem (at the The Club) on Disco Nights when our Darts, Dominoes and Snooker players (zzzzzz!!) can’t concentrate or think for the noise from the Hall!!

Before anyone writes in I apologise for that.


Yours sincerely

L B Hamiliton (Brian)

Quiz Night with Cheese and Wine

Friday, 28th January 2005 at 1930hrs in the Village Hall.

Tickets £5.00

Proceeds in aid of St Mary’s Church Funds

For further information please contact June Owen on 710 944 or the Church Wardens.

"TRICKETT”  -   has anybody  traced the family history on this family?
Mother born at Carigo-y-Franc  farm, Overton.  Please ring  Margaret on
Whitchurch 01948 664504."

Martyn Jones MP and Karen Sinclair AM the representatives for Clwyd South will be holding a surgery at the Village Hall on the 15th January 1000hrs to 1100hrs

Overton W.I

Thursday 29th January

Parish Room Overton

Commencing 1930hrs

History of Stans Shop

Speaker: Peter Faulks

Competition: A Shopping Bag

Part-time Cleaner

Required for housework one morning per week, Thrusday preferably at Lightwood Green, Own Transport and reference needed. Please telephone 710 409

Would the person who contacted the Oracle regarding the Penley Tapestry  project please call Maxine on 710 721

Text Box: Your Editorial Team—David Burton, Lesley Pugh, Euan Stevenson
 Sean Clarke, Maxine Palmer
If you have a story, contact any team member or dial:710721 for Maxine

The amount collected for the Poppy Appeal this year was !1,577.42p, the highest raised since the appeal began in Overton.  We would like to thank everyone for giving and collecting such a marvellous amount  Owing to changed circumstances we have decided to call it a day & wish to thank all who have assited  us in Overton, Erbistock and Penley during the last 23 years.  This now leaves a vacancy for a very worthy cause.  Any one who is interested please get in touch and we will be only two pleased to show them the ropes.  Phil and Iris Edwards

710 428

British Legion Haig’s Fund Update….