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Text Box: Overton Recreational Club

Why not take advantage of the warm and friendly atmosphere of your local club. A wide range of top brand Beers, Lagers, Wines 
and Spirits always kept and sold in first class condition. All at very competitive prices!!
Play Billiards or Snooker (two tables), Pool, Darts, Dominoes, or join the 
members who play Chess every week.
Or just come up and have a quiet drink in the warm and comfortable surroundings.

Regular events

Saturday (one week) Sunday (the next)

QUIZZES Every Sunday,
 General Knowledge (one week) Pop (the next)

For further details of the above events ring
(01978 710644) 

Live entertainment when advertised. 
SKY TV always available.

The club is open Mon-Fri 7pm-11pm, Sat. 2pm-11pm
Sun. 12.30pm-3.00pm & 7pm-10.30pm
Overton Recreational Club is a private Members Club
Subscription fees. Standard £7.50. Senior Citizens

By Ken Farrell







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01978 710 404

07910 361 738

07910 101 278



Oval: DMP
Text Box: All articles and advertisements in the Overton Oracle are published in good faith and without prejudice.

“Overton has changed a lot”, is a cry we hear very often especially from those who have lived here all or most of their lives. Here are two views of Salop Road from just opposite Springfield Park that at first sight seem to contradict that statement, even though ther must be 80 years between them.


They certainly do look alike but, sadly, it is all an illusion and there have definitely been changes in the top part of the photo where the properties are barely visible. After the last house in the foreground we now have Millwood Rise. The Byn-y-Pys-Arms arms is now Bryn-y-Pys Court and Kath Wason’s house and Mrs Russell’s wooden bungalow have given way to four newly-built houses.  The building in the distance which we all know as Harmony Interiors was either the Bowling Green or the Co-op in the old picture.


There is still one more big difference though, the person who took the original photo, probably on a large old-style glass-plate camera, would not have had to leap out of the way of passing traffic as I did when I took mine!

Oval: Overton Then and Now….

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