Kids Column

Calendar Contest.

I would like to thank everyone who entered their calendars for the contest! They were all brilliant, and it will be really tough for the judges to choose! Good luck to every-one who entered!

Young at heart.

Don’t  forget adults! You can send in your works of art, jokes or letters in the upcoming months and they will be featured in the kids column! So get busy!


Just a little note

First I just wanna say Merry Christmas! And second that it has been tough putting together this months page, as I was  expecting to have a lot of stuff through, from the Young at heart section, but never mind. I would however like to thank Luke, Heather and Lesley  for sending me the pictures and jokes!

I hope you all have a great

Christmas holiday!   Lela



Q: Why did the zebra get squashed?

A: Because the man wanted to make a zebra crossing!


Q: What do you get when you cross a sheep with a kangaroo?

A: A wooly-Jumper!








 There was a man who had one hand, and he wanted to cross the road to get to the second hand shop!





Q: How do you make a skeleton laugh?

A: Tickle his funny bone!


Q: How do you stop a dog from digging?

A: Take away his spade!

A man bought a

parrot, who  kept on swearing! So the man said to the parrot: “If you don't stop, I will put you in the freezer!”. However the parrot didn't stop, so he put the bird in the freezer. An hour later he took the parrot out, and it did stop swearing. However the parrot asked  the man: “What has the turkey done wrong?”

I would Like to thank  Luke Williams age 6,for his

Christmas picture (above) I have used the

snowmen to make a funky border! I would also like to thank Heather Davies age 10(left) and

Lesley Davies age 8 (right) for their jokes.

Idea’s for


The Penley Maelor School sixth form proudly presents


By kind permission of

Peter Rowe

December 14th 15th and 16th

Time: 7:00pm

Tickets £4.00 Adults

£2.00 Concession

Tickets available from the school

In the mood for a good



Yummy Christmas Cookies!

Not sure what to get Grandma this Christmas? Or just in the mood for making a little something to nibble on? Well this recipe is simple to make and tastes really delicious, so why not have a go?


You will need:~                                

4oz or 110g of butter (soft)              Large mixing bowl          Rolling Pin

4oz or 110g of caster sugar             Wooden Spoon              Biscuit Cutters

8oz or 225g of plain flour                 Small bowl                      Wire rack

1 egg (medium sized)                      Baking Sheet


•Put butter and sugar into large mixing bowl and beat together with wooden spoon

•Beat the egg in the small bowl, and add it to the butter and sugar mixture and

beat it in.

•Add the flour, and stir it in. Use your fingers to pinch the mixture together to make a stiff dough.

•Turn on the oven to 375°F or 190°C or Gas mark 5.

•Grease the baking sheet with butter or oil and dust with plain flour.

•Roll out dough on a lightly floured work surface, untill it is about a ¼ of an inch thick

•Cut the dough into shapes using the cutter, you may use a knife for this.

•Place biscuits on the baking sheet and cook in the top half of the oven for 10 mins

•Remove the biscuits from oven and cool on wire rack.


   You can dip the biscuits into melted chocolate to make them extra special!

Remember to clean up after you have been working in the kitchen!